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  • players don't swap back when they have a personalised role

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    Description of issue

    I like players to swap positions and then give them another personalised role in the new position they swaped to than the original player had in that position.

    But once they have swaped positions and got another personalised role in their new position they won't swap back to their original position. I think they should swap multiple times during a half, but they swap once and don't swap back.

    If I let them swap and just keep the orginal role, so not a personalised role, for that position they do swap back and swap several time during a half.

    If I start a player in a personalised role on a position they also swap once and swap back anymore. While other players keep swapping positions if they don't have a personalised role.


    Maybe it's because when I make a personalised role in a position I get an advice and not the option to swap with another player. See screenshot attached.


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    oke, I send it to you.

    I have three area's on the field where I want players to swap positions and get a new role in their new swapped position:

    - AML and SC

    - AMCR and AMR

    - DMCR and DMCL

    When I let them swap and keep the same roles they keep swapping.

    When I let them swap and give them a personalised role in their new position they only swap once and don't swap back anymore. I have to put them back to their original position in the tactics screen and after that they swap again immediately but don't swap back again, like the first time.

    Very irritating because like this you can't use swap players if you want to give them a new role in their new position they swapped to. So you have to keep the same role for swapped players always.

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