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  • Actual Playing Time is not reflective of actual appearances/minutes

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Info Provided Save Game: Sunday Player - Unemployed.fm

    Description of issue

    I've holidayed to the end of 2034 and have observed some strange "actual playing time" calculations. I'm raising this issue in this category as it directly ties into player happiness.


    At Arsenal, Akhomach (highlighted) is surplus to requirements despite other players with fewer appearances and minutes having more "actual playing time". Havertz also has "important player" status despite the stats clearly not warranting it.



    At Rennes, outside of the starting 11 is a complete mismash of varying "actual playing time":



    At Man City, I've highlighted five problematic rows:



    Smaller clubs like Kaiserslautern aren't immune:



    Also affects non-playable leagues, see Barcelona:



    I understand that there may be more factors behind the scenes (like injuries, but this is not a major factor in the examples I've provided- check save file), but as a whole, this looks very wrong. It looks like "Important Player" status is achieved far too easily, while the thresholds for everything else are either too poorly delineated or too close to each other. GK actual playing times also look like they should be double-checked.


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    No, but I had holidayed to the end of the current season and am seeing still issues (screenshots below, same teams).  I've uploaded this save, filename is "2035 Start.fm".

    Also, does your comment mean that previous season playing time impacts "actual playing time"? Not what I expected in December of a season, but okay.









    Man City:









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    This is spot on.  I have players complaining that they want to play more, but they are in fact playing a fairly decent amount (if in form) and they are emergency backup, or fringe players.  They are not regular starters... but apparently these younger players think they run the team.

    As always with this game too much complaining.  I spend more time dealing with players and their complaints than I do training them and playing the game.

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    Hello @xcrs we've reviewed your save and don't believe there to be any issues there.

    @KillahBcan you please make a separate thread and provide a save file for us to review.

    We're happy with how playing time is being calculated currently. 

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