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  • Amount of players not accepting targets is waaaayyy too high

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    No matter in which situation, and no matter how high their professionalism - I can almost never get players to accept targets. They will explicitly say they want what they ask for with no strings attached - A real human does not act that way, and neither should the players in game unless they have, like, a professionalism of 1.  The player in the screenshot has a professionalism of 12. It's completly mad for him to act like this.

    I can even critisize players for bad performance in training, and they will accept that they have been training poorly - But then throw a hissyfit when I suggest setting a target rating for them? How does that make sense? Same thing with players asking for more game time, not even once have any of them accepted a target. The only occasion where I could make it work was when sending players out on loan, but even then, they ***** about it and only accept reluctantly.

    Holy hell, I don't think much of most professional football players, but you folks at SI must think they are all petulant children.

    In essence you introduced a great feature that would really improve the game, but you made it impossible for us to use it. This needs a big tweak, because right now, it's a feature I will have to actively ignore because it ****s up my players morale.


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    I have no such savegame ready at this moment, no. But looking at the subreddit - This is an issue many people face, and it is not a bug, it's ill-conceived game design. The key question is; why do players even have the choice of refusing targets set by their boss. Then there is the secondary question of why so many of them choose to opt for that refusal.

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