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  • Board does not respond to request to send player on a coaching course

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Resolved Save Game: gking92_Edinburgh_before.fm, gking92_Edinburgh_oneContinueLater.fm, gking92_Edinburgh_oneWeekLater.fm

    Description of issue

    Hello, I wasn't too sure which section to put this in as it covers a couple of areas (player promises and board interaction). Anyway...

    When I signed Michael Doyle (ID:61026740) at the start of the season, included in the negotiation was a promise I made to fund a coaching course for the player. Twice already through the season I have tried to ask the board to do this using the "Send on coaching course" button under the player overview, and on neither occasion has the board answered my request with either a yes or no response.

    According to the promises screen, the promise is ongoing with the feedback "feels time is running out for the manager to send him on a coaching course". Therefore I assume one of two things is happening: either 1) there is a bug in making the request itself, or 2) the board is saying no and the game is not feeding that back to my inbox as it should to let me know/give me the option to talk to the board about it.

    When the option appeared for a third time after another few months had passed, I created a few save points so I could track the problem to submit it, and I have uploaded three versions of the save file through the cloud service.

    Steps to reproduce

    * The first save file (gking92_Edinburgh_before.fm) is immediately before I pressed on the request.

    * Press "Send on coaching course" on Michael Doyle (ID:61026740)

    * Hitting continue once after this reaches the state of the game in the second uploaded file (gking92_Edinburgh_oneContinueLater.fm)

    * Play through a week to see if the board responds

    * The third uploaded file (gking92_Edinburgh_oneWeekLater.fm) is from one week later, showing that the board have not responded to this request in the inbox, as on the previous two occassions I tried to make the request. The player promise screen still shows the same as before: "feels time is running out for the manager to send him on a coaching course"

    * Also possibly interesting to note, I don't know if player coaching course requests are meant to show up in the board request history on the Club Vision page, but if it is meant to be there, it is not showing as having been requested.


    Let me know if you need any more information, or if there is an issue with any of the save files.




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    Am 12.7.2024 um 13:40 schrieb Zachary Whyte:

    Hello @KhodeMehrad

    This issue should have been resolved in a previous update.

    Do you encounter this recently?

    Do you have a save file you could send to us?

    Hi Again. I've find the files and I upload the save.

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    vor 2 Stunden schrieb Zachary Whyte:

    Hi, what is the name of the file you uploaded?

    Hi again, Dan Ebrel - Man Utd New ‚ BRUNO COACHING

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    • Administrators
    On 19/07/2024 at 00:12, KhodeMehrad said:

    Any Updates?

    Hi @KhodeMehrad

    There isn't going to be anymore updates to FM24, so this isn't one we can solve for you this cycle.

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