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  • Game will not let talk to any players, the board or do press conferences

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    Description of issue

    In all of my save games I can no longer have any interactions with players, agents, the board, attend press conferences or attend Job interviews.

    The board option is greyed out and there is literally no option to talk to players/agents at all. Press conferences are never held and when I get a media question in inbox all options are blank and the only button I can press is Leave Press conference. I entered a Job Interview and all conversation was blank and I can only leave.

    Despite not being able to talk to any players whenever I go to sell any player it say "You have discussed the issue with ..." and all players are happy to be offered out.

    I have tried starting new save to test if it works/ disabling skins and turning all database changes off yet nothing works.


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    Hi i have a similar problem where the "Discuss" tab is missing in any players' page, i also can't praise or criticize players' training

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