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  • Player with wants 2 opposite things

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Need More Info Save Game: BIF Yepes

    Description of issue

    I have a player, Gerard Yepes, who at the same time has the "exploring options at the end of contract" while he simultaneously wants a new and better contract, however I cannot offer him a contract because he wants to explore options...

    I could (and have) used the ingame-editor to remove the "exploring...", but it still shouldn't be happening while also wanting a new contact

    Steps to reproduce

    1. It is the current situation in the save

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    • Administrators

    Hello, if possible do you have a save file from before the contract promise was generated?

    If you do can you please upload it to us.

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    No, unfortunately I have not. But as I remember it, the player first asked for a new contract with better wages, and some days later said that he'd want to leave at the end of the contract. But I have only experiences that this one time

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