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  • Players constantly complaining, promises never go away and can't be kept

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Known Issue Save Game: this is 2 days before the mutiny by the squad

    Description of issue

    This has happened 3 or 4 times already in my 3 seasons of my save and so far I've just tried to play around it, but the last one annoyed me a little too much

    Predicted to finish 19th and battle for relegation, the club is 4th with 8 games left.  Club atmosphere is excellent and managerial support is very good.  For whatever reason my goalkeeper now decides that we don't have enough depth up front and starts a mini-mutiny.  I saved and re-loaded the club meeting multiple times trying different answers and no matter what I can't get through it without destroying the locker room.

    I play with 2 strikers and have heavily rotated between 4 all season and have a 5th striker who I don't play so I'm not sure how this is a big enough "lack of depth" that half my starting eleven decide to riot while 4th in the league with 8 games left.

    - First I promised to sign a new player (he only gave me 15 days to keep this promise, I guess because of the transfer deadline).  I signed a striker a week later, 2 star current ability 2.5 PA (this is about equal to my 3rd or so best striker).  Despite doing this, I failed to add depth and failed the promise, which of course leads to the player being unhappy and never letting go of this broken promise.  I've had this happen 3 or 4 times already where a promise is made and either cannot be solved or even if it is, the promise never goes away and the only way to fix it is to get rid of the player.  I saw other threads about this already

    - Second thing I tried was to promise that I'm going to work on getting youth involved.  I only have 50 days to keep this promise, and again, there are 8 games left in the season and we are battling for the playoffs.  I don't see how it is realistic at all for the club captain to suddenly demand youth be played.

    - Third option was to tell them they are being unprofessional, surprisingly the ringleader of this revolt (my captain) agrees and drops it.  However, all his buddies are now furious and the club morale is tanked.

    - Fourth option is just to say no, they all get mad and morale is tanked. 

    So basically, because of a situation that I don't think even makes sense to happen in the first place, there is not a single answer I can pick that doesn't create some sort of longterm issue in the squad.  It is very frustrating dealing with these morale issues and promise issues so far in the beta.  Now I'm at a point where I have to pick which players I'm okay with getting rid of because I know no matter what option I pick, their morale will never recover and they will cause longterm problems.


    I don't mind uploading the save file but I don't even know which option I mentioned above I should upload, I think all of them are bugs in some way.


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    Happened again.  Same exact scenario.  2nd place predicted to finish 20th, 7 games left in the season and happy squad then the captain (different one from last time) decides we don't have enough depth in midfield and throws a fit.  Every option from the squad meeting destroys morale in one way or another.  I'm starting to feel like I legitimately cannot play FM24 until this is fixed because every season now this happens right before the playoffs and my squad has no morale for the final run-in.

    This time I was actually given the option to say "Hey we don't have any money" (which is true, I'm basically at the wage budget) which makes everyone pissed off.  I just don't think that's realistic at all, considering where the squad is at in the league, how many games are left, etc.  I'm not even going to bother trying to make a promise because I know from last season that the promises are broken



    Just to test even though I knew it wouldn't work, promised to increase the depth.  Only given 14 days to achieve this promise despite having no money, was able to sign 2 fringe players on non-contract deals with appearance fees.  Despite adding 2 midfielders as "depth" signings I failed my promise and now everybody hates me.  Again.  There is no legitimate way to get out of this situation besides destroying morale and getting rid of any player who complained.  Two seasons in a row.

    Should also add the player in question "holds me in the highest regard as a manager" and is "very close to me" but still decides to screw up the club for no reason right before the playoffs begin. 

    Edited by Dregganor
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    • Administrators

    Hello @Dregganor

    Thank you for the information. We're aware of the issue of Squad Depth complaints and are looking to make adjustments.

    For this ''I promise that I'm going to work on getting youth involved.  I only have 50 days to keep''

    If possible, do you have a save game from before the meeting where you made this promise?

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    1 hour ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello @Dregganor

    Thank you for the information. We're aware of the issue of Squad Depth complaints and are looking to make adjustments.

    For this ''I promise that I'm going to work on getting youth involved.  I only have 50 days to keep''

    If possible, do you have a save game from before the meeting where you made this promise?

    Hi, sorry if my response yesterday came off a bit rude was a little frustrated.  My original post from last week that has a save file uploaded is 2 days before the squad meeting (or as I call it the mutiny) so you should be able to recreate it from there if you choose the promise of getting youth involved.  Again, don't think it's realistic 5 games or whatever it was before the playoffs begin the captain will start demanding that youth be played if you promise that, but I've complained enough about it.

    That save file is from last season, I've had the same stuff happen again in my current season.


    One other thing I'd like to add - the idea of the squad being upset about depth doesn't really bother me, but specifically for managing in the National League South where there's a transfer window ending in April or whenever it is, I don't think that prompt of "we don't have enough depth" like 5 games before the season ends make any sense.  I would understand completely if its before the end of a summer transfer window or something like that but as it currently works, all I get is my squad revolting against me with a few games left after having an amazing season for really no reason whatsoever.  If I'm predicted to finish 20th and I'm on 100+ points like I am in my current season, why in the world would the players freak out about depth with a few games left?

    Edited by Dregganor
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    Another season, another occurrence of this bug.  Perfect squad morale the entire season, not a single unhappy player, then 1 week before the transfer deadline of March 23 the captain suddenly decides (while the club is in 1st place by the way) that we don't have enough depth and everyone is unhappy with my management of the squad.

    Really hope this is fixed soon because it is getting unbearable.

    The funny thing is that, despite having no money to sign a new player, I do not have an option to tell them that (although from my vast previous experience with this bug, telling them we don't have money doesn't work anyway).  So I tried "I'm trying to keep the squad balanced" and the captain is perfectly happy with that and drops it.  Okay problem solved right?  Nope 10 of the 11 players who were supporting him are now let down and disappointed in me, despite the person who started the entire complaint, the one they are supporting, being perfectly satisfied with my answer  (I should add he isn't actually satisfied despite him saying so, he actually is unhappy still and spreading the unhappiness despite saying it was fine)



    So after saying no I'm not going to sign depth, all of the players are unhappy and continue sharing the captain's concern.  However, the second the transfer window closes they all drop the concern and are satisfied with my management and delighted overall morale.  What's the point of this depth team meeting in the first place?  At least now I know how to get around it, just ignore the players for a week and it goes away.

    Edited by Dregganor
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