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  • Squad Depth Issue with Team

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Known Issue Save Game: squad unhappy over squad depth report

    Description of issue

    Squad unhappy with squad depth at CB. We're in League 2 and have 4 3 star CBs, plus a 2.5 in the youth team. Also saw this issue in another save. There is something wrong with squad depth unhappiness being triggered inappropriately and destroying morale in teams that are doing well. They also don't seem to register a new arrival as meeting the promise to enhance squad depth if you make the promise and then sign another player. 


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    I have a center defender upset (along with several teammates) because a star player was sold. I could not find a replacement as promised but the star player's replacement has been playing well. In fact, the replacement is outperforming the upset player by leap years.

    In past FMs, we could talk to either the player or the captain to talk to the player to talk about their unhappiness. This option does not exist in FM24 and this is a mistake. I need to talk to the upset player or captain to tell them to chill. The replacement is outperforming you!

    As it stands, there is no way to resolve this. We are winning games and they're still upset.

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    I agree this is a major problem.  I lack depth at CB?  I have 7.   I am playing in Northern ireland championship so we have very little money.  I cant exactly go out and get the best CB in the world.  So somehow the players are dictating what I do as manager?  They threaten to consider their future because I didnt strengthen CB?  I did strengthen it with a good youth talent that is playing better than they are.  We allow the least amount of goals in the league. 

    The beta game is broken.  This needs to be addressed.  

    Of course with the editor this would be easily solved, but since we dont have that yet, we cant change that.

    However, it should be corrected by development.


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