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  • Adding a new Head Coach in a FM23=>24 transfer save will make you unable to access your original coach when you load the file back up

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    Description of issue

    1) Transferred a save file with a single coach (Manager 1) from FM23 to FM 24, and played 2 months in game. No problems.
    2) Added a new manager (Manager 2)
    3) Advanced a week (during which I made two unique saves).
    4) I quit and returned later in the afternoon to load my save. When I did so, I could no longer switch between the two managers. It was as if Manager 1 (maybe due to not having a profile in FM24) was not a user manager. He still existed at his same club, but there was no longer an option to switch to him on the top right. I would load directly into the Manager 2 profile with no option to switch. Retiring with Manager 2 would put me in the single-player observer screen, instead of switching to the other coach. (missingui.png)

    However, adding a 3rd Head Coach, AFTER loading the save would re-enable the UI list of player Head Coaches on the top right, where Manager 1, 2, and 3 would now show up. (selectcoach.png)

    Switching back to Manager 1 would give me the pop-up asking to Please Confirm: Resume Control of 'Club' (pleaseconfirm.png)


    Adding a new Head Coach in the FM24 database that was transferred from FM23 breaks the UI of all future save files so that you cannot switch Head Coaches. Adding a new coach after loading the save fixes the UI as a temporary fix, but it has to be done upon each load.

    Game is being played on PC using the Game Pass version of FM24.


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    I've logged the same issue and they seem to struggle to understand what's going on. Seems like it would be an easy one to fix. 

    If you open the Game Status page then you can take control of the other manager after you load your save.

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