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  • Cannot take control manager

    Nik D. Saint
    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Info Provided Save Game: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Vphu1Sxawsdqi2Ni67IuGja-JDv8nIQD/view?usp=sharing

    Description of issue

    Tôi và hai người bạn đã chơi chế độ trực tuyến trên FM23 trong nhiều mùa giải. Khi FM24 được phát hành, chúng tôi đã chuyển dữ liệu lưu từ FM23 sang FM24. Mọi thứ đều ổn cho đến khi tôi vào game. Tôi có thể kiểm soát hai người quản lý do hai người bạn của tôi tạo ra, nhưng hai người bạn của tôi thì không. Nút "kiểm soát" trên trò chơi của họ không thể nhấn được. Họ không thể kiểm soát những người quản lý mà họ tạo ra. Làm ơn giúp chúng tôi.



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    My two friends and I have been playing the online mode in FM23 for many seasons. When FM24 was released, we transferred the save data from FM23 to FM24. Everything was fine until I entered the game. I could control the two managers created by my two friends, but my two friends could not. The "take control" button on their games could not be pressed. They could not control the managers they created. Please help us.

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    5 hours ago, EdL said:

    If you make them admin it will allow them to take control

    We followed your instructions and continued to play together, thank you very much for your help

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    We have a similar problem,  im hosting using the game pass (PC version) and one of our  users who has the same version cannot take control back of his team, whats even weirder is another user can who has the Steam version can take control of his own team without issues.

    Whats more confusing is he can join the game if he adds manager but that adds another profile and another user.

    Any help would be appreciated or suggestions, ill happily look at making the user admin but i believe it was greyed out when i tried




    Edited by Neilo1986
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    • SI Staff

    The existing admin can make people admins.

    We are working on a proper fix so people get correctly matched up with their managers

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