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  • Imported FM23 Save doesn't go past June 28th 2040.

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game, Screenshot Public Status: Resolved Screenshot: Save Game: Schwaben Python 27JUN.fm

    Description of issue

    I'm playing an imported FM23 save game in to FM24 and I did it for two or three seasons with no issues. Today I finished the 2039-2049 season and the game doesn't past June 29th, 2040.
    The game doesn't crash nor it shows any errors during this time, it just stays in "loading day" state.
    The screen stays like that for hours without going to the next day. I've attached a save game file below that is saved on June 27th 2040 at 13.00h. 

    The bug can be reproduced easily as you simply press Continue until it doesn't load the next day. 
    I've played the FM23 save in FM24 for at least a couple of seasons with no issues. 



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    • Administrators

    Hello @Bogdan Pirvu

    We've looked into your save and it says there's custom database changes.

    This probably means that this was a custom database from FM23 save, but it looks like it's missing some data that's causing it to be unable to create a schedule past this date.

    So as custom data is most likely causing the issue, unfortunately there isn't much we can do help.

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    I did a test with the same save. I loaded the same save from FM23 into FM24 and resigned from the team I was managing. I then holidayed until the 28th of june 2040 and pressed Continue and the game now went past that date. I'm at a loss now as the game should continue after all.
    I really liked this particular save and I'm bummed that I can't continue it. If you guys have any other suggestions or where the scheduling conflict comes from, then I would gladly try anything to fix it. Thanks again for the help.

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    @Zachary Whyte I noticed that there are some other users reporting the same issue as me. Can you guys take another look at this issue or flag it once more, as I said before, in fm23 the same save worked for more than 15 seasons, on FM24 it worked for more than 3 seasons and I had no issues.

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    After the latest update my save is now fixed and the game goes past the 29th of June 2040. I can finally enjoy the save. Thanks to the SI programmers that managed to find the fix.

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