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  • Always able to trigger clauses for slightly less than clause?

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Under Review Save Game: Giant PT Realism Covilha 2027.05.23.fm

    Description of issue

    One thing I've noticed across various saves in FM24 is that you are almost always able to trigger a clause, whether it be a release clause or an option to buy clause in a loan, for just a little less than the clause's value

    For example, in save Giant PT Realism Covilha 2027.05.23.fm I am trying to secure Tulio dos Santos after a loan.  The loan had a clause of 120,000 euros option to buy.  However, I can offer 115,000 and the clause is still triggered, the green ! sign appears indicating the clause is met even though the offer actually comes up slightly short

    I have seen this in all sorts of leagues for all sorts of transfer values in various saves.  Like a 10,000,000 release clause being trigger-able for 9,900,000

    Any idea why this is?  I can't be the only one to notice it.


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    Hmm not one I've seen before. I can see what you mean with Tulio dos Santos but other players with release clauses look fine for me.

    We will review further.

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