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  • Can't activate extension option because player accepted a contract elsewhere

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Info Provided Save Game: Giant PT Realism Covilha 2026.05.22.fm

    Description of issue

    Please look at Covilha LB Tiago Andre.  His contract expires next month (June '26) but in his contract I have a one year contract extension option.

    But it seems he has accepted a contract with another club.  I get that in the last 6 months of his deal he can agree to a deal with a different club... but if I have that option, he basically doesn't have the right to accept another contract unless I choose to let his contract expire without activating that option, right?

    Is this an error or is it a legal detail of Bosman cases that I'm not aware of?  If the latter, and players are allowed to invalidate a club's extension option after a certain date, might it be a good idea to give players a notification about when they have to activate options by?

    FWIW the club he accepted with is still in Liga 3 while I will be going up to Liga 2 next year, so it's hard to imagine it's even a better idea for the player to want to make this move.

    Save is Giant PT Realism Covilha 2026.05.22.fm

    This does have the Daveincid realism add-ons activated FYI but I don't think that is the cause of this issue


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    Hi, you would have needed to activate the option earlier.

    Until the option is activated it is just an option and not an actual contract so the player is free to agree a deal elsewhere.

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    It has never been mentioned that these options essentially have deadlines that occur 6 months before the end of the contract!

    "Until the option is activated it is just an option and not an actual contract so the player is free to agree a deal elsewhere."

    Isn't the point of such an option that I can, unilaterally, contract that player for an extra season... regardless of what the player wants or any other agreements he might have?

    Is that really how it works in real life?  Doesn't seem like much of an option for the team if the player is allowed to essentially void the option by accepting a different contract.

    I'm thinking of real life this year, where Anthony Martial entered the final year of a deal with Man U holding a one year option.  I don't recall reading that Martial was free to agree to a deal with another club in his last 6 months until Man U declined their option.  In fact, I recall some discussion that Man U were thinking of activating the option not because they wanted him back but in hopes of some Saudi club buying him.

    Does this work the same way for conditional options, such as those tied to games played? Those would often activate in the second half of the season, after the games played threshold is reached, so after a player might have accepted a different contract.

    So if I have a player entering the last season of a deal, with an option for another year after 20 games played, and he plays his 20th game on Feb 15, but the week before he agreed to a contract elsewhere.... that contractually agreed option year basically disappears?

    I know there are emails notifying you of whose contracts are expiring, and if they have extension options, but maybe it should be made more explicit on those screens that you must accept the options before the last 6 months of the contract or players can void them.


    Edited by nms1987
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    You know, now that I think of it @Zachary Whyte, there are many times when I will agree to terms with a promising young player in the last 6 months of his contract and think I have him signed, only the next day to get an email saying the signing is called off because his current club have opted to exercise their one year option on him.

    In light of that, surely the experience I originally described is in fact a bug, no?

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    In that situation you would have agreed terms but the deal wouldn't have been finalised meaning that the AI team could still exercise the option.

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    In that case shouldn't I at least get a notification that a player has agreed to terms and do I want to trigger my option?  That's what seems to happen for the AI teams, as that option is always triggered immediately after a player agrees to terms elsewhere (ie, with me).

    Again, I would beg you to look up how this works IRL. A player simply isn't free to sign a contract with another club while his current club holds an optional extension. 

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