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  • Incorrect Future Fees in News Report

    Gary James
    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Info Provided Save Game: Gary James - Incorrect Future Fees in News Report

    Description of issue

    In my save which I have transferred from FM23 I have noticed that whenever a player gets signed on loan wit a future fee mentioned in the news report it is c0ompletely different to what appears in their contract info.

    It seems to happen on every player.




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    • Administrators

    Thanks for raising this @Gary James

    What's happening is that the inbox item is referencing the initial fee of loan, in this case £27.5 Million.

    While the remaining amount will be paid later in instalments, raising to £52 Million.

    We can look to make this clearer in the future, thank you.

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    Thanks for the explanation.

    IMO the future fee would just be what is paid if condition x is met and the loan fee is made up of wages and any loan fee. I see them as 2 distinct values but that could just be how I am reading it.

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