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  • Manual scouting does not work

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Resolved Save Game: LIBRAXXV Manual Scouting Not Working

    Description of issue

    This issue started in season 2 of my current save. I searched for wingers manually in the "Players in Range" section and manually scouted a few of them. I went to my "Scout Priorities" and none of those assignments are there. I go back to my search with the same filters and those players that I tried to scout are now gone from the player results. I can manually search for them in the search bar if I remember their name, but they no longer show up in the "Players in Range" and a scouting report never comes.

    I have tested with a random player. I will click "Scout", go to "Scout Priorities" where the assignment is there "On Hold", then I click continue once and I check again and the assignment is gone. I search the player manually and funnily enough all their attributes are visible (with no ranges) after one "Continue".

    Steps to reproduce


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    Hello, I'm not seeing what you are describing when testing with your save file. (Are you using a custom skin per chance?)

    I did a search for Wingers on the "Players in Range" section, manually scouted a few of them.

    Confirmed they are in the "Scout Priorities" tab and advanced forward until they were fully scouted.

    Screenshot 2024-09-24 104106.png

    Screenshot 2024-09-24 111417.png

    Screenshot 2024-09-24 111405.png

    Screenshot 2024-09-24 110438.png

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    Update: I have uninstalled and reinstalled FM24. Playing the same save with no skin. For a while it was working. But if I manually scout 10 players for example, 2 might disappear.

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    10 hours ago, LIBRAXXV said:

    @Zachary Whyte - Sorry for the many updates after the fact. Any ideas here?

    Hard for me to say, I will need some more detail of what you mean + your updated save with an example at the ready so I can take a look.

    My advice off the bat would be to hire more Scouts if you have room and make sure your not over working your scouts with too many recruitment focuses and tasks.

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    @Zachary Whyte - I have already hired 2 more scouts and I removed some recruitment focuses and the issue persists. I have uploaded a new save file called "LIBRAXXV - Scouting Example" wherein Josh Wynder is in scout priorities as being manually scouted. It says "Report Card Only" under assignment type. If you continue to September 22nd 2024, the scout priority disappears.

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    Looking at your save the the scout priority disappears on the 22nd because the scout report is finished.

    Reloading your save, cancelling the assignment and selecting 'Fully Scout Player' caused me no issues also.

    Screenshot 2024-09-27 151216.png

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