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  • Offers made by DoF out of touch with any reality of the save

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Open Save Game: candystripes-around

    Description of issue

    This "bug" has been part of the game for years, and it has become apparent thanks to "immersion" features that you have introduced that are esentially annoying as they have no effect on a save other than a wasting of time for the gamer. 

    Case in point: My DoF has opened negotiations with an American DCM for the starting 11 which is fine as a DCM is one the positions that needs strengthening. But other than that his actions are a waste of scouting budget and time.
    1. Highest earner of the team makes 7,250 euros

    2. The available transfer budget is app. 12,704 millon euros – of which 5 millon are as good as spent.

    3. The available wage budget is 25,000 euros, however the player's expected wage demand is between 31K and 37K

    4. The contacted player's transfer price is 7.8 millon.

    Given that this level of discrepancy between the reality of a save exists in at least 50% market actions carried out by the recruiment staff, the question is why transfer policy, transfer budgets, wage budgets, recruitment meetings, transger evaluation meeting and hiring recruitment staff at all should be relevant to me as a gamer?







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