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  • Scout reports missing if scout retires, is released or signs with another club

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Under Review Save Game: Mircea Dragan - CSM Reşiţa.fm

    Description of issue

    Reports overview of a player hangs and dislpays nothing if the player was previously scouted by a scout that is not with the club anymore (released, retired, or signed by another club), the player report is just missing, along with ability / potential report in shortlist. In some rare instances, the letter rating remains, but clicking on it hang in the same way as the reports overview.

    I expect the scout reports to remain with the club, not the scout.

    Given that the screen freezes, this looks like a bug, not a feature, and previous versions of FM didn't had this issue. The screen unfreezes after some 10 seconds, and displays that the player must be scouted.

    Even worse, if a scout is poached by another club, beside reports mising, the scout assignments do not get reasigned, and scouting must be performed again manually.

    steps to reproduce:

    1. 22/06/2024 Chief Scout (Cristian Popa) is poached by another club
    2. 30/06/2024 (game time) observe scout reports in shortlist missing
    3. observe Costin Ghiocel in the shortlist
    4. click on player name
    5. click on reports > overview
    6. screen freezes for 10 seconds

    Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 12.34.35.png

    Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 12.34.58.png

    Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 12.39.36.png


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