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  • Scouting budget unadjustable

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    Description of issue

    This is such a multi-faceted and incredibly infuriating issue that nothing has been done about

    1) Scouting budget cannot be properly adjusted (e. g. by typing in a number at the start of the season) - if you have a ton of transfer budget, you can only assign a relevant portion of that budget to scouting, hence often being slightly underbudget or massively overbudget in scouting

    2) Even though the scouting packages are paid for at the beginning of the month in full - you immediately lose all access to your scouting package as soon as you hit negative money in scouting

    3) Then your scouts start budgeting individual assignments, quickly exacerbating the existing credit (even though they were covered at the beginning of the month by the package...)

    4) then you cannot adjust the budget for whatever reason (in this case I do not even have ANY transfer business which could be a half-argument on why the scouting cannot just pull the costs for the package for the month.


    5) Best of all (this is not the case here, but will be), when the new season starts and the board sets the new scouting budget + smaller package (which the game deems suitable for your rep level) you also immediately lose the previous one you already paid for and the same circle starts and point 2).

    So in the end, you just end up paying about 10-20 maybe even 30 % of the yearly package costs, and do not have access to it a good half / full month even though there was more than ample budget and capacity for covering this.


    :mad: :mad: :mad:



    :seagull: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


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    • Administrators

    Hello, thank you for the detailed information, if you can please upload your save file we will investigate further.

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