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  • Scouting (Recruitment focuses) doesn't work

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Info Provided Save Game: Scouting Glitch Save File

    Description of issue

    Hey there! Been playing for 200ish hours already and scouting doesn't seem to work for me.

    I've loaded all leagues, detail level set at Continental, database players set as almost every option at every continent. 

    So when I try to scout for 15-23 (Age), 5* Gray CA, 3* PA, my scouts doesn't seem to find ANYONE in ANY country. I'm attaching the game file as well as some screenshoots proving that I'm scouting a lot of countries at the same time.






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    6 hours ago, Thrane87 said:

    Well it's not unreasonable to get frustrated with the lack of communication. First message was that players had to narrow focuses and that it basically was self inflicted. As one of the affected player who have tried every focus you can imagine, it's a bit provocative. People get annoyed because they love the game and this bug has taken away a huge part of the enjoyment. Not being able to scout players without manually going through clubs and countries selecting all players is truly not enjoyable. 

    So good on you for reminding about manners, but honestly the frustration is understandable at this point.

    It is you're right, but this isn't the place to be putting that there and doesn't help others coming into the thread posting similar experiences. It is "game breaking" and ive said its almost unplayable myself. Personally I carried on and double saved so if I wanted to go back I can but thats not viable for everyone, even workarounds are still less than desirable.

    I've done the same in the past and it honestly doesn't help anyone, more often than not it's just taking it out on the SI staff who may or maynot be relaying the message. There's also a massive feedback thread where constructive criticism is welcomed amongst other positive/negative feedback. 

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    4 hours ago, SerCska10 said:

    its a shame, I cant start a career, although I really want to, because of this bug

    Do a test game, this won't happen to everyone otherwise most people would be posting in here or similar threads. Well thats if you haven't already that is. 

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    6 часов назад, BigV сказал:

    Do a test game, this won't happen to everyone otherwise most people would be posting in here or similar threads. Well thats if you haven't already that is. 

    Ive tested it many times already, scouts dont find young players at all

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    I think I'm having the same issue... I wonder if maybe it's affecting people who ported games from fm23? I have the same scouting setup in fm24 and just realized that my scouts who previously were assigned to go between 2+ nations were never leaving the first nation listed in their recruitment focus... and like others on this thread, my focuses have basically stopped returning players altogether. I've uploaded my save as "dotdot_todd scouting not working.fm"

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    2 hours ago, dotdot_todd said:

    I think I'm having the same issue... I wonder if maybe it's affecting people who ported games from fm23? I have the same scouting setup in fm24 and just realized that my scouts who previously were assigned to go between 2+ nations were never leaving the first nation listed in their recruitment focus... and like others on this thread, my focuses have basically stopped returning players altogether. I've uploaded my save as "dotdot_todd scouting not working.fm"

    Don't think it's related to ported saves. Mine isn't ported. Worked fine in the beginning and then stopped working.

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    1 hour ago, Thrane87 said:

    Don't think it's related to ported saves. Mine isn't ported. Worked fine in the beginning and then stopped working.

    No, mine was started early December. It's not even a beta save never mind an FM23 one.

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    15 hours ago, zeza said:

    And nothing after almost 45 days. No hotfix, no "known issue" status, nothing.


     That doesn't mean they aren't working on. They've posted in here multiple times. There's typically never a hotfix because that would require retesting a bunch of concurrent work on the new production version of the game with the hotfix. They don't have time to do that. At least wait for the next update to be released before we go all pitchforks on the devs.

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    • Administrators

    Hello everyone, to give an update on this, we’re looking to make some tweaks in our next game update to how players are scouted, that will ensure more Recommendations and Near Matches are generated in Recruitment Focuses.

    Some tips we’d also recommend when creating a Recruitment Focus are:

    Keep focuses broad.

    Ensure the scouts who are assigned to your focuses have an extensive knowledge of the area you’re sending them to.

    Ensure that you don’t overwork your scouts.

    Ensure the ‘include results found in other recruitment focuses’ tick box is selected.

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    1 hour ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello everyone, to give an update on this, we’re looking to make some tweaks in our next game update to how players are scouted, that will ensure more Recommendations and Near Matches are generated in Recruitment Focuses.

    Some tips we’d also recommend when creating a Recruitment Focus are:

    Keep focuses broad.

    Ensure the scouts who are assigned to your focuses have an extensive knowledge of the area you’re sending them to.

    Ensure that you don’t overwork your scouts.

    Ensure the ‘include results found in other recruitment focuses’ tick box is selected.

    Appreciate the update Zach!

    Quick question, surely the  ‘include results found in other recruitment focuses' inflates what another scout has done? for example, if im scouting spain with 1 scout and the other is on laliga, one scout out of them 2 would be giving the report but having the same report in the other just adds more players they didnt scout. 

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    4 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello everyone, to give an update on this, we’re looking to make some tweaks in our next game update to how players are scouted, that will ensure more Recommendations and Near Matches are generated in Recruitment Focuses.

    Thanks for the update Zach. Glad this is getting attention from the SI team.

    Couple of questions and feedback for you:

    5 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Ensure that you don’t overwork your scouts.

    Will the game have a notification or a warning if the selected staff member is in danger of being overworked when assigning focuses?

    5 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Keep focuses broad.

    Also could you provide guidance on what the definition of broad is as it conflicts somewhat with not overworking staff? Broad to me might be searching in England for U18 players playing in Youth Leagues with no restrictions on CA/PA stars. I would expect setting a focus to search the globe for U18 players to be a focus that overworks staff.

    5 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Ensure the ‘include results found in other recruitment focuses’ tick box is selected.

    Also want to echo BigV's sentiment of your last point. Checking that box means reports are just being shared in the current state. Obviously there might be some overlap if you're scouting Austria and the Champions League in separate focuses. I'm hesitant to accept this as a "fix" for the current challenges we're having in the game. I believe this masks part of the issue that we've been facing with this bug since recommendations would be filled with the same players and give the appearance of a focus actually working.

    I can understand in some instances that not having that box check will result in no players being found for a particular scouting assignment if the focus is extremely narrow - i.e. looking for 4 star CA players for Real Madrid in Austria. However if I'm scouting Austria in general looking for anything from a youngster to a potential first team player that check box should not have to be checked. I should still receive scouting reports but maybe only have C/B grades for the players that are not covered by a Champions League focus. Or conversely, if my CL focus is not sharing results it would exclude results from Austria who fit my criteria.

    If my interpretation of the function of that check box is incorrect please let me know.


    Thank you again for your team's attention to this issue. Looking forward to the next update.


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    22 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello everyone, to give an update on this, we’re looking to make some tweaks in our next game update to how players are scouted, that will ensure more Recommendations and Near Matches are generated in Recruitment Focuses.

    Some tips we’d also recommend when creating a Recruitment Focus are:

    Keep focuses broad.

    Ensure the scouts who are assigned to your focuses have an extensive knowledge of the area you’re sending them to.

    Ensure that you don’t overwork your scouts.

    Ensure the ‘include results found in other recruitment focuses’ tick box is selected.

    These aren't the problems nor solutions. The scouts actually find players, and rate some of them with an S, A or B rating as well. But when they're done scouting, the finalized scouting report just doesn't appear. Those which have an okay rating are actually moved to the near matches tab. But there doesn't appear anything in the recommendations tab. 

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    • Administrators

    Hello @wazzaflow10

    To answer your questions:

    1) Yes, it's always had a notification, when creating a focus it will say 'Scouts are busy with other tasks, so results will take time'.

    2) This is just a tip if you want more recommendations, keeping things broad will obviously lead to more recommendations as the criteria isn't as narrow.

    3) Like above this is just a tip, if you want to maximise the number of recommendations then use that tick box as there will be some focuses that will overlap.

    @Thijsie We've not seen this reported or noticed this in our internal testing, can you please create a new thread, with a save file and a example at the ready for us to examine, thank you.

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    26 minutes ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello @wazzaflow10

    To answer your questions:

    1) Yes, it's always had a notification, when creating a focus it will say 'Scouts are busy with other tasks, so results will take time'.

    2) This is just a tip if you want more recommendations, keeping things broad will obviously lead to more recommendations as the criteria isn't as narrow.

    3) Like above this is just a tip, if you want to maximise the number of recommendations then use that tick box as there will be some focuses that will overlap.

    @Thijsie We've not seen this reported or noticed this in our internal testing, can you please create a new thread, with a save file and a example at the ready for us to examine, thank you.

    @Thijsie is absolutely correct. I think that is what most of us are reporting. Scouts find players and they can go "near matches", but never end up in the recommendations tab. I get players in my recommendations tab, but only players I manually scouted.

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    2 hours ago, Thrane87 said:

    @Thijsie is absolutely correct. I think that is what most of us are reporting. Scouts find players and they can go "near matches", but never end up in the recommendations tab. I get players in my recommendations tab, but only players I manually scouted.

    That might be part of it but there are definitely focuses where scouts do not find anyone. In particular if I set a scout to look for U18 players in England, nothing gets returned, nothing is in progress, and no one shows up in the scouted players tab.

    It might be possible that players that are meant to be recommended are getting deleted somehow but I've got a ton of focuses that don't return any scouted players.

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    2 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello @wazzaflow10

    To answer your questions:

    1) Yes, it's always had a notification, when creating a focus it will say 'Scouts are busy with other tasks, so results will take time'.

    2) This is just a tip if you want more recommendations, keeping things broad will obviously lead to more recommendations as the criteria isn't as narrow.

    3) Like above this is just a tip, if you want to maximise the number of recommendations then use that tick box as there will be some focuses that will overlap.

    @Thijsie We've not seen this reported or noticed this in our internal testing, can you please create a new thread, with a save file and a example at the ready for us to examine, thank you.

    1) That's what I thought but hadn't seen it yet this year. Definitely saw it in 23 when I was adjusting to the new feature and wasn't getting results.

    2) Understood. I think the experience I was having was that there would be nothing returned for many focuses in some of the 2nd tier footballing nations. Not even B/C recommendations when scouting Holland, Belgium, Portugal etc as a top team. I wouldn't expect to get loads of recommendations by nature of the talent pool.

    3) Understood and follow up question. Is there a limit on the number of recommendations in one focus at a time? I don't know If I've seen more than 20 listed but I could be misremembering. 

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    22 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello @wazzaflow10

    To answer your questions:

    1) Yes, it's always had a notification, when creating a focus it will say 'Scouts are busy with other tasks, so results will take time'.

    2) This is just a tip if you want more recommendations, keeping things broad will obviously lead to more recommendations as the criteria isn't as narrow.

    3) Like above this is just a tip, if you want to maximise the number of recommendations then use that tick box as there will be some focuses that will overlap.

    @Thijsie We've not seen this reported or noticed this in our internal testing, can you please create a new thread, with a save file and a example at the ready for us to examine, thank you.

    This was originally the reason behind this thread. The other people saying their scouts not finding any players probably didn't check the scouting reports tab and didn't see the reports not going from in progress to recommendations. In cases where scouts are not finding any players in the in progress tab either, of course the demands are too narrow. We wouldn't need a thread for that. 

    I uploaded one of my test saves 'Thijs Klem - DortmundTest.fm' on January 9th for this problem. I've tried a couple of different teams in different countries, but it all gives the same problem. My older save from the release of FM24 works fine. So, it seems to be something that came with a later update. 

    Edited by Thijsie
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    Two separate things. 

    I'd like to know why scouting was working when I had the CPU doing it automatically, but as soon as I took control (and didn't change anything with the focuses), the reports stopped coming in as often as they had prior. 

    I'd love to know what I am doing wrong when I send a scout with extensive knowledge of Brazil to look for minimum 1-star ability, 2-star potential, and no other restrictions and get maybe three recommendations. I guess there just isn't much talent in Brazil these days! Can't really make my focus much more broader here, can I? 

    I legitimately think no one knows what the damn issue is at this point, let alone how to fix it. As others have said, this worked as expected on release. 

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    9 horas atrás, Thijsie disse:

    This was originally the reason behind this thread. The other people saying their scouts not finding any players probably didn't check the scouting reports tab and didn't see the reports not going from in progress to recommendations. In cases where scouts are not finding any players in the in progress tab either, of course the demands are too narrow. We wouldn't need a thread for that. 

    I uploaded one of my test saves 'Thijs Klem - DortmundTest.fm' on January 9th for this problem. I've tried a couple of different teams in different countries, but it all gives the same problem. My older save from the release of FM24 works fine. So, it seems to be something that came with a later update. 

    Scouting even with a broad search parameter doesn't work as intended. I think Recruitment focuses are broken in every shape and form, because it doesn't show any results and the scouts doesn't seem to make any progress whatsoever.

    I hope that the next update fixes that but it's very disappointing to be in that situation for more than 2.5 months.

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    I started a new save today with quite some really wide focuses. Most of the European regions with scouts that have the knowledge of that region. 2 stars current level, 2 starts potential minimum. 15 to 28 years. In the first 1,5 month of the save I got 1 recommendation. So the scouts do seem to find players now, but just a handful of them. 

    So, my earlier mentioned problem seems to be fixed. Players do move from in progress to recommendations now. Only the players that are found by scouts are really few. 

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    3 minutos atrás, Thijsie disse:

    first 1,5 month of the save I got 1 recommendation. So the scouts do seem to find players now, but just a handful of them. 

    And that's the issue. The players are there, the parameters are not narrow and the scouts either:
    1- don't find the players to scout (and that's kinda fine) 
    2- start to scout a player but the player vanishes from the recommendation focus and we don't get recommendations at all.

    We will probably receive an update only in a few weeks (Winter Update), so it will be almost 3 months since I've opened this thread.. So embarassing to have a MAJOR part of their game broken for almost 25% of their game's cycle.

    Good job, SI.

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    2 minutes ago, zeza said:

    And that's the issue. The players are there, the parameters are not narrow and the scouts either:
    1- don't find the players to scout (and that's kinda fine) 
    2- start to scout a player but the player vanishes from the recommendation focus and we don't get recommendations at all.

    We will probably receive an update only in a few weeks (Winter Update), so it will be almost 3 months since I've opened this thread.. So embarassing to have a MAJOR part of their game broken for almost 25% of their game's cycle.

    Good job, SI.

    Indeed. I'm lucky to still have a nice save from the release that does actually work. But when I'm done with that one, I guess I'll just go back to FM23. 

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