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  • Scouting (Recruitment focuses) doesn't work

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Info Provided Save Game: Scouting Glitch Save File

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    Hey there! Been playing for 200ish hours already and scouting doesn't seem to work for me.

    I've loaded all leagues, detail level set at Continental, database players set as almost every option at every continent. 

    So when I try to scout for 15-23 (Age), 5* Gray CA, 3* PA, my scouts doesn't seem to find ANYONE in ANY country. I'm attaching the game file as well as some screenshoots proving that I'm scouting a lot of countries at the same time.






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    I would like to know why I am getting the "scouts are busy with other tasks" pop-up here, when this is the scout's only task. 

    Also you can see that this is a broad scouting assignment. Nothing that the game tells me here gives me any sort of clarity as to why it is not working. Devs? Anything? Please? 

    Screenshot (1239).png

    Screenshot (1240).png

    Edited by DavutOzkan
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    Started another save and it looks like the scouting breaks after a few years (3-4 years).

    My save started well, with scouting working as intended, but when I got to 2026/2027ish my focuses dried up.

    So if I can make a suggestion to SI Devs, check why the hell scouting breaks after a couple years!

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    Just to translate the bottom part: "We appear to be struggling to find any recommended players.."

    Found 33/26 players but NO Recommendations/Near Matches.. AT ALL. 

    I'm using the same Parameters as my initial post (1*CA, 3* PA)

    See you in the Winter Update, this game is broken.

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    On 08/02/2024 at 03:06, DavutOzkan said:

    I would like to know why I am getting the "scouts are busy with other tasks" pop-up here, when this is the scout's only task. 

    Also you can see that this is a broad scouting assignment. Nothing that the game tells me here gives me any sort of clarity as to why it is not working. Devs? Anything? Please? 

    Screenshot (1239).png

    Screenshot (1240).png

    There's no wonder why you get the message of busy with other tasks. You are using Standard priority for most of your recruitment focuses - meaning two scouts will be off for that assignement. Instead select Ongoing.

    You have a rather tight search paramater in terms of minimum CA and max PA. In reality you are searching for players between 110-120 CA (depending on squads average ability and level) and 120-130 PA... (if we say for example that 1 golden star is 100 where 5 stars is 200.

    But anyway, something is definitely wrong with how scouts recommend players - or lack of it. Between 27.08 and 30.11 in game - my scouts has only found around 90 players - from 258 in August to 341 at the end of November - At the end of January the number has gone up to 414...

    Many of the recruitment focuses doesnt got any recommendations and the ones the scouts find is at recommendation grade D to E.. seems like they are really poor at judging the players too - Tygo Land - 1.4 star potential with 4 in uncertainy factor (white stars). Jobe Bellingham 1.5 star potential with 3 star white stars. Both players recommended as D and last resort - despite the scouts says he has potential PL standard.

    What's certain is that many great players are missed if people only look at Recommendation grade...

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    Another confusing thing is:

    If you go to a specific scouts, click Scouts assignment you will see a button with the number of reports e.g '36 reports'

    Then when you click on that button, it only shows 7 players...

    Edited by Passion4FM
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    24 minutes ago, Passion4FM said:

    There's no wonder why you get the message of busy with other tasks. You are using Standard priority for most of your recruitment focuses - meaning two scouts will be off for that assignement. Instead select Ongoing.

    You have a rather tight search paramater in terms of minimum CA and max PA. In reality you are searching for players between 110-120 CA (depending on squads average ability and level) and 120-130 PA... (if we say for example that 1 golden star is 100 where 5 stars is 200.


    I appreciate it. However, I was testing things out when I set them for standard vs. ongoing, I would normally use ongoing, but those weren't working either, so I decided to switch to see if that would make a difference.

    In terms of my star ratings, is it not minimum for those? I am looking for players who are already at 1.5 stars minimum current ability while also having potential of minimum 2 stars. If that is not the case, then the game needs to be clearer about it because that would not make sense in any other way. 

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    @DavutOzkan  Hope I haven't given you the impression of that it's not minimum star rating. but I would probably lower the CA or increase PA... depends on whether you are scouting for first team players or youth...

    Regardlessly, you will probably have more luck sending the scouts out to scout individual players rather than thinking your recruitment focus will have any luck. So far it seems they go willy nilly around and not necessarily watch all top players within the league. You would suspect if they are scouting a competitition they would gain a bit knowledge of the other players that are attending a match they are watching.. or could recommend some more players as another player has made a huge impact within that nation...

    for instance, in France Grimandi only finds Cherki and Sofiane Diop..  we are now in April...

    Not sure if the number of loaded playable leagues has an effect on how many players they can find. I've loaded a save with Argentina, Brazil, England, France, Germany, Holland and Spain and with a database size of 86K... In a former save with Benfica (started before patch FM24.2) I have 20+ recommendations on almost every recruitment focus - 1872 players scouted by June 2024, compared to 525 at April 2024 with Arsenal.. 19/20 scouts at Arsenal compared to 15/15 at Benfica.

    However, in that Benfica save I have 10+ leagues loaded as playable...


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    4 hours ago, Passion4FM said:

    Many of the recruitment focuses doesnt got any recommendations and the ones the scouts find is at recommendation grade D to E.. seems like they are really poor at judging the players too - Tygo Land - 1.4 star potential with 4 in uncertainy factor (white stars). Jobe Bellingham 1.5 star potential with 3 star white stars. Both players recommended as D and last resort - despite the scouts says he has potential PL standard.

    What's certain is that many great players are missed if people only look at Recommendation grade...

    Yeah I noticed I'm only getting players with D grades or C at most for the 15-18 year olds. I guess I better have a look at them, because I didn't even bother checking what they looked like because of the low grades.

    Edited by Gee_Simpson
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    On 12/02/2024 at 09:01, Passion4FM said:

    There's no wonder why you get the message of busy with other tasks. You are using Standard priority for most of your recruitment focuses - meaning two scouts will be off for that assignement. Instead select Ongoing.

    I've only ever gotten a message like that in FM23 when all my scouts were on ongoing assignments and I wanted to add top or standard focus to their list. If scouts are all performing ongoing tasks there's no break for them to do other assignments. If I remember right FM23 would queue assignments so you could have a scout go France > Belgium > Holland > France and repeat. If you do ongoing and assign all three you'll never progress to the 2nd task in the queue.

    That message seems to me more like a warning that we can't get to that right now but we will once we complete our current assignments.

    Don't know if that's right or not. Just my experience with it.

    20 hours ago, Gee_Simpson said:

    Yeah I noticed I'm only getting players with D grades or C at most for the 15-18 year olds. I guess I better have a look at them, because I didn't even bother checking what they looked like because of the low grades.

    There's definitely something specifically bugged with scouting/finding U18 players. I like to at least be aware of players but since the december update I've watched the number of U18 players dwindle in my save. It's odd because you can manually set them to be scouted if you use the player search and they show up but it won't happen organically. For me it ruins my immersion because I rely 100% on scouts to sign players instead of going to the player search screen.

    My hope is that this isn't a workaround to prevent people from scooping up wonderkids before the AI can sign them. I don't think they'd do that but it's crossed my mind.

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    5 minutes ago, wazzaflow10 said:

    My hope is that this isn't a workaround to prevent people from scooping up wonderkids before the AI can sign them. I don't think they'd do that but it's crossed my mind.

    This is what really annoys me about SI. If they communicated clearly that this is bugged and they are working on it, then there would be no need to speculate. However, SI has attempted to first blame players for using the incorrect scouting parameters, then much later acknowledged that they are looking into it, and while neither confirming or denying that it is bugged (in my opinion it is hugely bugged) stated that some changes may be implemented at some time when the next planned update is ready. 

    This is not okay. Of course they should have a planned roll-out of updates, but when something so central to many players' enjoyment of the game isn't working, the developers have to adapt.

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    6 minutes ago, TheHuss said:

    This is what really annoys me about SI. If they communicated clearly that this is bugged and they are working on it, then there would be no need to speculate. However, SI has attempted to first blame players for using the incorrect scouting parameters, then much later acknowledged that they are looking into it, and while neither confirming or denying that it is bugged (in my opinion it is hugely bugged) stated that some changes may be implemented at some time when the next planned update is ready. 

    This is not okay. Of course they should have a planned roll-out of updates, but when something so central to many players' enjoyment of the game isn't working, the developers have to adapt.

    Its probably policy about what they can and can't communicate. I also imagine that there's never any communication about updates until they are 1000% certain its going to be a specific date is related to keeping their employees some degree of work/life balance. Devs get burnt out pretty quickly if you're being pushed to finish a task by a hard date consistently. The gaming industry specfically has some of the highest developer turnover. We don't know the tasks or goals they have to meet or the backlog they have to clear or the personnel situation (i.e. dev in charge of scouting is out on leave or left the company entirely). I'm inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. They've fixed loads of things this year already and we probably only notice a few. I don't see a whole lot of posts going around praising devs for bug fixes. There's been a few suggestions about possible fixes and we've replied those don't work. That's the nature of development cycles. There's nothing malicious or devious behind it.

    Pointing fingers at them or making accusations of ignoring reports or not working isn't going to make them want to solve this with any more enthusiasm. If its something that can be fixed I'm sure they'll do it. If it isn't I'd hope for a bit of transparency about the issue after the winter update comes out about expectations regarding if it will be fixed or not. We can all cross that bridge when the patch comes out. I'd rather wait and have them get it right than get a hotfix slapped on that breaks something else.

    Let's just be patient. Use it as an opportunity to do something else in the game you've never done before.

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    @wazzaflow10 That's all well and good but it's rather weird they haven't noticed this bug when playing themselves - I mean any of the guys at SI? They talked about transparency and it took almost 1.5 months from 24.2 patch before they put it under review... that makes us wonder...

    In terms of workload and timeframe, they have normally fixed dates until a patch is going to be released - for years the patches has come almost around the same time, but for such an important element of FM as scouting is, it's strange they have not released a hot fix earlier. And if it can't be fixed for Winter Update then I'm sure more and more people will quit playing FM24

    I've heard about lots of guys who doesn't even care to report bugs anymore as they feel they are not heard as they report the same things year on as there are stuff that isn't fixed. All the Moderators could do is simply say: we don't put effort into fixing that bug at the moment due to lack of resources, or reply with a solution - if it's a user error.

    Fingers crossed this is fixed for Winter patch - at least it's under review now

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    2 hours ago, Passion4FM said:

    @wazzaflow10 That's all well and good but it's rather weird they haven't noticed this bug when playing themselves - I mean any of the guys at SI? They talked about transparency and it took almost 1.5 months from 24.2 patch before they put it under review... that makes us wonder...

    In terms of workload and timeframe, they have normally fixed dates until a patch is going to be released - for years the patches has come almost around the same time, but for such an important element of FM as scouting is, it's strange they have not released a hot fix earlier. And if it can't be fixed for Winter Update then I'm sure more and more people will quit playing FM24

    I've heard about lots of guys who doesn't even care to report bugs anymore as they feel they are not heard as they report the same things year on as there are stuff that isn't fixed. All the Moderators could do is simply say: we don't put effort into fixing that bug at the moment due to lack of resources, or reply with a solution - if it's a user error.

    Fingers crossed this is fixed for Winter patch - at least it's under review now

    Developing a game and playing it are different tasks - it would be so obvious to say "just play the game" but from experience building something based on how you intend it to be used vs how its actually used can be very different and it 100% skews your ability to really bug test. Users are always the best bug testers because we collectively never follow the intended procedure the devs set up. For all we know we did something obscure that triggers scouting to stop working and they had to step backwards through what caused it and that's why its taken the whole winter period to fix. I'm sure if it was something that was hotfixable it would have happened.

    Non reporters are only hurting themselves. And mods and the dev team do respond maybe not right away or in the way someone wants but I've had at least a response from Zachary or Michael on just about every thing I've logged here when I've done it in a calm and concise manner. I've been told everything from fixed to under review to user error. I don't always agree with the fix or the response but I'm not in possession of the source code.  Rants blasting SI about their work won't get us anywhere. Best evidence of what not to do is the clown who keeps posting about his goalie not saving every shot. There could very well be a bug or he could be a complete tool who gets upset he doesn't win every game and comes here to have a moan.

    I have faith that the core people working on the game are doing their best to make the game the best they can within the parameters that have been set for them.

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    On 14/02/2024 at 08:25, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hi @Passion4FM

    I mentioned earlier in this thread that we’re looking to make some tweaks to Scouting in our next game update.

    Dude we're in February! The game was released back in November! How did none of you realize scouting was broken before releasing the game??

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    @Zachary Whyte

    Just wanted to highlight something for you. I know we're deep into the development cycle so I know it's unlikely we're going to get changes based on this feedback. This is more of a sanity check that 1) This focus would fit the criteria you've mentioned before and 2) These results are abnormal to what is expected the game to produce.

    I ran this scouting focus as a manager for Chelsea with a Your World Start. I took the job in August of 2023 and played normally through December 2023. Over the course of those 3 months my scouts have found a total of 30 new players. 0 are Recommended in the focus but do show up in the Scouting > Players > Scouted Players tab. The starting point (Recruiting Start.html) and last save point (December RF.html) are attached below to show the players that I began with and who I ended up with.

    I can understand if recruiting was toned down to prevent some user behavior of scooping up every player. I do find it a bit concerning my scouts have not found many if any top level players like Haaland or Salah. I don't expect to have a completed scouting report for every player but it's hard to imagine scouting for Chelsea that there isn't at least a basic report on a good number of players in the Premier League. Certainly I'd expect fewer from the Championship/League One/League Two. A report on a player in those leagues would be analyst/form driven i.e. scouts would only watch if a player was putting in high level performances for an extended period of time and would reasonably be at least gradable by a scout.




    Recruiting Start.htmlDecember RF.html

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    @Zachary Whyte

    Did an additional test where I took a snapshot after letting an AI manager run (I resigned completely from the team) the team and check scouting results at the same interval. It appears like there was absolutely no scouting done at all. Got what looks like the same 75 players based in England back as when I resigned.

    Is this normal behavior for the AI? Do they not scout like we do? If this isn't supposed to happen I have the save I can upload.

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    • Administrators

    Hello @wazzaflow10

    To answer your first point, you won't find players like Salah or Haaland because they would not be interested in joining Chelsea.

    For your second question, the AI doesn't use recruitment focuses.

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    4 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello @wazzaflow10

    To answer your first point, you won't find players like Salah or Haaland because they would not be interested in joining Chelsea.

    Interesting. I don't recall player interest being a factor in previous games. Is that new for 24 or a post December update feature? I could see players getting lower grades or not recommended in a focus at all due to lack of interest. I 100% agree with that thought process and decision. Makes perfect sense to me.

    I'd like to hone in on the Players Scouted tab and the criteria for players to appear in that space or at least my previous expectation of how it was working prior to December

    The Players Scouted tab should be showing that the team has scouted a player to a knowledge level of X% at a minimum. When a scout's basic impression is low ability relative to team or a player's interest is not sufficient enough to warrant a recommendation or further scouting at this time the knowledge level would remain low. The player can ask for more reports from this tab if they want further scouting on a set of players. Please correct me if I'm wrong as I know you all do extensive research into how clubs operate but I can't imagine real life Chelsea or Man Utd or Man City doesn't have at least a basic dossier on most of the first-team players in the PL. Certainly they're not going to have a lot of details about a player who they're not actively tracking but they're most certainly aware of them and their general ability level.

    Additionally, it would seem odd to me that a player like Endrick (prior to agreeing to Madrid) wouldn't show up on a team's scouting radar because he's not interested immediately in moving. It might explain why when I scout U18 players in England none of them appear because they're programmed to not be interested in moving until they are 18. The challenge for me is even if a player wasn't interested in moving until they were 18 not having any knowledge that a player exists creates a huge blind spot in future planning. I'm essentially waiting until a player turns 18 and then hoping there isn't an even better player right behind them coming next year. That isn't to say that better player should be immediately interested upon turning 18 but there's nothing I can do about it (either talk to agent or declare interest or shortlist) if I wanted to even attempt to sign them or persuade them.

    I hope this is clear. I appreciate you responding so quickly.

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    6 horas atrás, Zachary Whyte disse:

    To answer your first point, you won't find players like Salah or Haaland because they would not be interested in joining Chelsea.

    This doesn't make sense at all. They should appear and we can filter them by Transfer interest - even set up the level of interest. (there's a button for this...)

    Some players that don't have interest at all appeared in some recruitment focuses when they work as supposed.

    Can you please check if that info is correct? 


    5 minutos atrás, wazzaflow10 disse:

    Additionally, it would seem odd to me that a player like Endrick (prior to agreeing to Madrid) wouldn't show up on a team's scouting radar because he's not interested immediately in moving. It might explain why when I scout U18 players in England none of them appear because they're programmed to not be interested in moving until they are 18. The challenge for me is even if a player wasn't interested in moving until they were 18 not having any knowledge that a player exists creates a huge blind spot in future planning. I'm essentially waiting until a player turns 18 and then hoping there isn't an even better player right behind them coming next year. That isn't to say that better player should be immediately interested upon turning 18 but there's nothing I can do about it (either talk to agent or declare interest or shortlist) if I wanted to even attempt to sign them or persuade them.

    I agree with wazzaflow here. We should have knowledge of players even when they don't have interest. 

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    if this is true, that players won't be recommended or pop up in recommendations due to they aren't likely to sign for you then that's shocking news!

    If this is really true, then no wonder you hardly see any major results of recommendations. However, I would hardly believe this is how it works in real life. A scout will travel around the world and create scout reports and include them in the database. Some clubs track players for years before making a move on them. And, who knows what will happen in the future and if they get interest in joining your club.

    If this is how scouting has been altered for FM24, then it's the biggest mistake ever!

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    3 horas atrás, Passion4FM disse:

    if this is true, that players won't be recommended or pop up in recommendations due to they aren't likely to sign for you then that's shocking news!

    I think @Zachary Whyte made a mistake, for sure. 

    This isn't the problem of scouting. The issue is that the players aren't being found at all or when they are, they don't get recommended. I hope that the devs know that. If the next update it stays broken it will be shocking.

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    @Zachary Whyte Just to echo what others have said, it is absolutely essential to scouting, especially of u18 players, that the scouts will look at them and create a report regardless of interest. We should be able to find these players, understand their ability, potential, personality etc, and add them to our shortlists so that we have full knowledge of them if a time comes when they are interested in signing. This is especially the case for young players who will often go from completely uninterested in signing to very interested over the course of one day as they turn 18 - our scouts should be able to identify and keep tabs on them so that we're ready to make an offer when they're ready to listen. Likewise for more established players who might become more interested if we gain a promotion or qualify for Europe - my scouts should be able to identify that dream 6'5 striker with good aerial and hold up play for me to look hopefully at even if we're a couple of years away from him taking us seriously. 

    After all, the reports in my scouting centre are often full of potential squad players earning £150k/week even when my star man is on £25k, why not also recommend players who are currently uninterested? 

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