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  • Wage demands skyrocket after UCL qualification

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Under Review Save Game: UCL Wage Increase.fm

    Description of issue

    I'm with Bolton Wanderers in 2049 (Carrying over FM23 save). We've just qualified for the Champion's League for the first time in our history, finishing 3rd when expected to finish 9th.

    Our wage structure is pretty tight, with an average of £276K per month. Our top earner gets £455K per month.

    Within a week of the season ending, two of our players are demanding between £760-915K a month to sign a new contract. Jefferson Jose wants at least double his current wage, and Wassim want at least triple! We're a relatively small club who've reached the UCL by overachieving, with a fraction of the wage budget/revenue of the big clubs. Seems a bit optimistic of these players to suddenly think we can destroy our wage structure by around 100% to accomodate them?

    So I'm trapped between spending the majority of my transfer budget on wages, which could bankrupt the club if we don't continue to make UCL football from this point onwards (again - this is the only time Bolton has ever done it!), or telling these players no, which will knacker my dynamics and result in players wanting to leave. Are these expectations typical for a small club hitting the big time once? An immediate doubling of the wage bill?

    (Check the two players promised a contract in the attached save and speak to their agent)


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