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  • Demotion for Next Match

    • Files Uploaded: Other Public Status: Under Review Other: fmm_save_1.fms

    Description of issue

    When demoting someone for the "next match", they don't automatically return to my first team.


    When promoting to first team for the next match, the players automatically return to the second team.


    Fabio Quagliarella has been demoted for the next match and never returned to the first team.


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    NVM? On my third season, a few of my first team players returned after demoting for next match. Going to keep this ticket active for this season’s outcomes.

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    QA has looked at this and believes it might be the way it's designed and what you are expecting to happen is slightly different. If you intend the player to be returned after the next First Team match, this won't happen. They will move back once the next Reserves match is played.

    If this doesn't happen do let us know.

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    8 hours ago, Dan Sheppard said:

    QA has looked at this and believes it might be the way it's designed and what you are expecting to happen is slightly different. If you intend the player to be returned after the next First Team match, this won't happen. They will move back once the next Reserves match is played.

    If this doesn't happen do let us know.

    That’s exactly what I’m talking about. Sometimes, after the reserves game, my player returns. Almost all the time, my reserve players return. I can’t actually claim that I’ve seen a reserve player not return in a next match promotion! But next match demotion is a gamble. Seems to be about 50/50. Mostly, my games and my reserves matches fall on the same day. Sometimes the reserves matches happens first, sometimes they happen second. I have been trying to send my guy even before match day, so he will for sure play the match. Sometimes, he returns, and sometimes he doesn’t. For this current season, I haven’t waited to see if he returns, but for the previous seasons, he continues to stay in reserves. I’ll test and report back the likelihood of my player returning on my current.

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    On Oct 31, I demoted Ramos S. And Nacho to the reserves for testing. They played on the 1st. Didn’t return. And then after their game on the first of November, I demoted Clark C. To the reserves for testing. Their next game was the 8th of November.


    After their game, Nacho, Ramos, and Clark didn’t return.






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    Today, I had promoted some folks for the next match because it was a national cup match with a low level team at home. I did this 2 days ahead of schedule. The reserves and the first team both play on the same day, but the reserves played in the morning and the first team played late in the afternoon.


    When I pressed continue to match day, the reserves had already played their match. I continue clicking into tactics and I don’t see the guys I promoted in my list of players. I go into my reserve team and find that they’re already back in the reserves. But still had 100% condition. I then promoted them for next match again. And then after the game, they went back to the reserves as intended. But I hadn’t seen the demotion before the next match.

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    17 hours ago, Valentin Vanchorov said:

    @SaMason2012 Can you please provide us with a new save so that we can investigate this further?

    Thank you!

    Kind regards,

    Any of my saves will do. I’ll upload tomorrow. You’ll see that the game finds it hard to return my first team players back but can reliably return my second team players. Something seems off with the game logic in my save.

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    I uploaded SaMason2012 Osaki.fms. This was an upload that was meant originally for another bug regarding the demotion of Atsushi Osaki, a Japanese regen. But it can be used for this bug since all of my bugs can literally be experienced at all times.

    In here, all you need to do is hop on the game, demote a plethora of folks into the 2nd team do vice-versa where you promote a few folks up for the next match. You should be able to see what happens with the game logic for next match demotions as opposed to next match promotions.

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