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  • Goals conceded from Corners

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Under Review Save Game: 4A76A502-04A6-41BF-BBA5-B15EAB9A96E7

    Description of issue

    Across a lot of my matches, the whole of my team are in the opposition box when I have a corner. It then leaves nobody at the back and often I concede as they launch the ball up and it's a 1:1 with my keeper.ive counted at least 15-20 times this has happened in the one season alone 

    I can't find a setting to ensure somebody stays back, unless I'm missing something? So presume it's a bug 

    I've uploaded my save game...-




    OS: Android OS 64-bit 


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    In tactics > set pieces > corners. There is option at bottom for defend and attack. If you select attack it should bring you up a list of your players with instructions like Go Forward, near post, far post. There is option to stay back set a player/s to that to avoid full attack. Hope this helps 

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