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  • Match Engine - National Squads with Fake Players

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Need More Info

    Description of issue

    After a few games into the 2026 World Cup, I'm watching Japan and Germany beat teams in very impressive box scores. 3-1 or 3-0.

    Their teams are made up of solid mid-tier player stats with all blue stat boxes, mostly. Some even have yellow-orange boxes for stats (less than 10). For both nations. Against stacked teams. They have a few greens here and there, but very few and in between.  But they win their matches. I guess what I'm trying to find out is if there's a bug in the fake national squad matches? For whatever reason, these two teams appear to have an edge against their opponents despite having weaker players.


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    Are you able to share what the other results are like around this although I don't expect this to be an issue? It's quite common that the underdog can win.

    If you could also provide us with the save it would help us investigate.


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    If you don’t feel it’s an issue, it’s fine. We can mark this as completed. The semi final came down to Arg vs USA and England vs Japan. After a lot of save scumming, I got USA past Arg, but I feel like Japan shouldn’t be playing in the semis against England and win about 30% of the time. But for now, go ahead and mark it as completed.


    USA beating Argentina after a lot of save scumming seems doable. But Japan beat England and Germany more times than USA beat Argentina. Sometimes, I even went and injured and lowered morale of the whole Argentina squad to still lose by 1. Hahaha. Japan just beats its opponents on a regular save scum meanwhile USA out here getting hacked and still losing to Argentina 9/10.

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    • SI Staff

    Could we possibly get a save sent in, so we can take a look into this? It's probably for the best that we double check what's going on there.


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