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  • Match Report - Last Match's events pushed as the recent match

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    Description of issue

    I've got a bug where I was given the last match's report as the most recent match. I used my backup GK instead of my rotational one and I demoted my starting GK to the second team since I knew I wasn't going to use him for the remainder of the season except for CL finals.


    The ratings and condition drop (from usage) are applied to the players that played, but in the match report, the ratings are from the last match as well as the events. I got an injured player who got replaced early in the game, and it shows in the match report. Even the opponent's stats are from last week. What's strange is it was a 2-nil score in the last match, but the report shows the box score as 0-1 and then reports as RM getting the victory at 2-0. Hahaha.


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    I've gone on one match beyond when I recognized the problem... but it's the same thing even in the following match. Showing last week's stats and telling me about last week's outcome even though this time it showed the weird box score of 4-1. Fabio  wasn't even part of this game. Enes Unal was the one to score for Getafe and Raul Garcia is from Pamplona from 2 matches ago. As you can see, it's still showing the Pamplona score of 2-0, but the box was 4-1.IMG_5684.thumb.PNG.4dfb7d6f870b79dbf093f1083c146e6c.PNG



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    Thanks @SaMason2012 - QA have taken a look at the report and it sounds similar to one that is in for a fix in the next update.

    Once the next update rolls out it should resolve, but if it doesn't let us know.

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