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  • Player roles change

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    Sometimes when I kick off the player roles have immediately changed from what I opted for…happens maybe 20-30% of games at a guess 

    i think a different issue to the assistant making changes and subs.


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    Going to bump this one.

    I have a similar issue, and also when changing a player role in game using the navigation below the match screen: I always have to change his role twice before it is effectuated in game.

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    This may be related to some of the issues with the match engine prior to the recent update, please try updating and let us know if this still continues.

    It would also be helpful if you could provide the match engine you are using if it persists.

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    1 hour ago, TonyMarshall said:

    Correction: this has started happening again…stopped for a while but now multiple times in quick succession 

    sending another save

    Frustrating, thanks for flagging. Can you provide the name of the save once done so I can flag get QA to check in.

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    • SI Staff

    Could you also explain the steps in a bit more detail please - exactly what you see vs what you have selected, if there are particular roles where you see it more often?

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    • SI Staff

    Hello @TonyMarshall. Further to Alari's request above it would be really useful if you could get a screen recording of the issue occurring along with a save so that we can try and reproduce it on our end, please? Also if you could give us as much information as possible on the issue including the device and operating system version that you are playing the game on so we can build up as complete a picture as possible?


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