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  • Co-Trainer automaticly opponent instruction doesnt work.

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Known Issue

    Description of issue

    A mistake when setting the assistant coach to set the opponent instructions automatically, but he does not set.


    Or does that mean that you still have to click on the "Convert" button by yourself even if the Co-Trainer auto is activated? 
    Thank you!

    FM2022 Co Trainer Auto Gegneranweisungen.PNG

    FM2022 Co Trainer Auto Gegneranweisungen 2.PNG

    • Steps To Reproduce:
      Click on Co-Trainer settings, activate automaticly opponent instructions,

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    • Administrators

    Sorry you never got a public facing response to this, but we're aware of the issue and have it under review. Thank you for spotting it. 

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