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  • "Confirm changes" button when making quick changes in game

    Cause = Time
    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Known Issue

    Description of issue

    During a game, when making quick changes (i.e. not going to the full tactics screen) the changes are typically applied automatically, but sometimes need to be confirmed with a "Confirm changes" button. I have two problems with this:

    1. Quick changes are made from the bar at the bottom of the screen. The 'confirm changes' button is very small and appears in the top-right corner. It couldn't be further from the part of the screen I'm looking at when it appears. And lest that not be subtle enough, it's green - and is often being displayed on top of grass. It regularly goes entirely unnoticed until I realise the player I substituted 15 minutes ago is still on the pitch.

    2. After over 200 hours of playtime, I still don't have any clear understanding of what actually causes the 'confirm changes' button to show up. Something to do with making multiple changes at once, I think? But more specific than that, because I regularly make multiple changes without it. I genuinely don't have the slightest idea what other criteria come into this, though. Is there an explanation somewhere?

    I'm having a great time with the game generally but this is a repeated source of frustration.


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    Nice to see this hasnt been fixed even in FM24.  The button shows up in the top right corner and the player isnt substituted at all.  Its not a good palce to put that button.  Fix this.

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