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  • Player Condition Heart Icon Displays Incorrectly on Bottom Bar after Clicking on a Player in the Stats Widget then Returning to the Match

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Resolved

    Description of issue


    Noticed after you click on a player in the stats widget then come back to the match it will show the player having a "Full" green heart for the condition icon in the bottom bar. (Also. what is the official name/term of the in-match bottom bar?)

    Cheers, Sheep.


    • Steps To Reproduce:
      1. Go into any match.
      2. Allow some time in the match to pass for a player's condition to reduce.
      3. Click on said player's name in the stats widget.
      4. Return to the match using the big red "Match" button.
      5. Observe that the player's condition in stats widget and bottom bar is not the same.

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