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  • Cant solve "Discuss Issue with.." and so i cant resume the game

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    I have to "Discuss Issue with" - but i I click Discuss an "empty" Screen appears...

    I used the option that another player solve this problem but i cant resume the game...i forces me to click "Discuss Issue with" again and again


    At this Point this Save Game is broken for me



    • Steps To Reproduce:
      - Load up attached save game
      - Click the "Must response" Buttton
      - Inbox item will be generated headlined: "N´Diaye wants to discuss personal matters"
      - Click [Discuss Issue with N´Diaye]
      - Within the Player Happiness Discussion Screen you see that you cant select anything
      - Click summary and end the meeting
      - See again the "Must respond" Button

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    • Administrators

    Thank you for flagging this, we'll get this investigated. :) 

    While we try work on a resolution, you should be able to holiday past the meeting to skip it. 

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    • Administrators

    Circling back to this as despite some testing it was never one we were ever get to reproduce but we don't want to leave it behind as we begin work on the next cycle. 

    On the off chance you're still around, could you let us know if you still experience this issue on the latest updates?

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    I just ran into a similar issue, icon player was homesick so I sent him on a leave, about a week later I get the message that he's considering his options at end of contract and the "Discuss issue with Adeyemi" only takes me on his profile, a further interaction "Discuss issue - Private chat" was grayed out.  Was stuck on "Must respond", did a quick research, found this post and ultimately, the "go on holiday" workaround did the trick, but not sure about the impact on player happiness,  nor whether will it happen again. I'll definitely come back to rant about if I can't get him to sign another contract :)



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    No prior save game available, however these are the further developments: the issue kept repeating every third day until the player returned from leave. I used the aforementioned workaround (go on holiday for one day, the message always popped up around 23:00 and I was back from holiday the very next morning). Once the player was back at club, he accepted contract negotiations (the rest of the story is not that meaningful, I'm paying a 33 yo 28 mil per year because I'm a sucker for club icons)

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    I also have the problem with all my Private chats with every player...However the issue doesn't appear when a private chat is with more than 1 player, just for one to one discussion.. All my players are unhappy now :(... I am in year 2028, until now I didn't have this issue..pbqr6qi17m891.png?width=1917&format=png&auto=webp&s=844d81074a16eeaff7b3fee924550b2cc5f253a9

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