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  • Club atmosphere low even though almost everyone is "delighted"

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    Description of issue


    I have an issue in my save: In the dynamics page overview, under club atmosphere it is stated as good and the bar is a bit more than half full. The reasons stated is that "we curretly have 4 players at the club who are unhappy". If i then look at the happiness tab, i can see that almost all players are delighted. Theres one player that are not happy,  He is just "slightly unhappy". Earlier the atmosphere were superb or very high. There was earlier an issue with multiple players being unhappy. This was solved and they are now very happy. The club atmosphere didnt seem to be updated when the players went back to happy. They have been happy for a couple of months now. 

    The number of unhappy players stated under club athmosphere is incorrect. Am i correct in assuming this is a bug? Does anyone have a solution?

    See attached pictures. 





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    On 11/01/2022 at 15:08, Kyle Brown said:

    Could we have a save file with this issue showing, please? :)




    Thank you for your quick reply. I believe i found the solution to the issue. The "4 players at the club" who are unhappy seems to include players in both the Under 19 squad and the reserves. As when i had a look at the dynamics for the youth and reserves squad there were in totalt 3 unhappy players. I released them from their contracts and the number of unhappy players was reduced to 1. I do not know if this is intentional. A suggested inprovement would be that it stated "We currently have 1 unhappy player in the 1st team squad, 2 unhappy players in the reserves and 1 unhappy player in the U19 squad" for example. As it is now its hard to understed who these unhappy players are, i believe most managers rarely or never visit the dynamics page for the youths and reserves. 

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    Appreciate that info, we'll see if there's any changes we could make. :)

    If possible, could you still provide your save file? We'll use it as a starting point when testing this feature!

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