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  • Constant board meetings - "Board request meeting to discuss manager's future"

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Need More Info

    Description of issue

    I have to attend a meeting every time I get bad result, even though in the first meeting I chose options that were along the lines of:

    "I'm an inexperienced manager I hope you have the patience"

    Then the board reply with "But what are you going to do about it?"

    Then I choose the option that's something like "Give me until the end of next season." 

    Which the board agree with, and say they will forget about this season. 

    But then as soon as I lose another game I go through the exact same thing. I'm on a terrible run and this has happened about 4 or 5 times in the space of just over a month.

    Surely they should just leave me alone for a while, rather than coming back the very next game?

    I've uploaded a save game file as you can see below, but it's from after the press conference. I'm playing Bayern Munich next so it's safe to say I'll be getting a board meeting again soon, so I'll upload a new save game file after that, but pre-meeting.


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    New file added, with meeting available.

    Reedo - Board meeting.fm

    Picture attached of the choices I make and board response.


    Edit: Reedo - Board meeting part 2.fm file added which is the weekend after the latest "want to see improvements next season"

    Board conversation.jpg

    Edited by Reedo
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    We've got this under investigation but struggling to reproduce it with the files provided. 

    We'll leave the thread marked as open in the meantime in case any similar reports come through. :)

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    9 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    We've got this under investigation but struggling to reproduce it with the files provided. 

    We'll leave the thread marked as open in the meantime in case any similar reports come through. :)

    No problem, thanks for the reply.


    I chose the exact same options at every meeting, and on the first file uploaded in particular you can see in the 'Inbox' section in-game that I had to attend a board meeting 3 or 4 weeks in a row (it was a rough season, don't judge :D )


    Just a side note, they have let me continue through to the season after, with a C+ rating and relegation.


    Edited by Reedo
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