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  • Players never happy in season ending meeting

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    I assume this isn't a bug but at the same time it's something else that hasn't really made sense to me unless it's just based on club size.

    I'm playing Wrexham.

    My first year we won the National League by 20 points.  At the season ending meeting with the players I told them that I felt we could avoid relegation in League Two.

    Their response was basically a revolt with one player telling me I was putting too much pressure on them.  I backed off and told them that I felt we could at least avoid relegation.  The response was muted but at least nobody was screaming mad.

    The next year we won League Two by 5 points, a good 30 points away from being a mid-table team.

    At the end of the season I told the team again that I felt we were good enough to be a mid-table League One team.

    I felt like if this would have been true life thing a couple of the players would have thrown punches by how mad the whole team got.  Again, telling me I was being unfair.  I backed off again.

    The next season in League One we finished mid-table, comfortably....  nearly 20 points away from being in the relegation zone.

    At the end of the season I met with the players and told them that I felt we could comfortably avoid relegation again the following season... I mean we had just done it.

    But nope... once more... 3 years in a row the players revolted and said that was ridiculous.  This time I didn't back down.  I told them I felt what I felt and I knew we were good enough to avoid relegation easily.

    Their response was once again muted and morale took a big hit for pretty much every player but one or two.

    My question is simple.  We won the National League going away.  We won League Two somewhat easily when the players thought we'd be relegated.  We ended up mid-table in League One when once again the players thought we'd be relegated.  So why on Earth would they revolt once more when I suggest we should be mid-table again?  Why would any player on any team want their manager to stand in front of them and tell them they're horrible or probably being relegated?  Especially after having 2 excellent seasons and overcoming obstacles in a 3rd.

    If we had "barely" avoid relegation in League One then sure, I guess I could understand some moans or groans, but we didn't.  The player reactions make no sense to me at all.

    Unless it's just because it's a smaller club and the responses are basically pre-canned because of the size of the club and the fact we're in League One and have nothing to actually do with how the team is performing, because I've noticed a dozen times now that interactions with players don't necessarily match up with what's really going on in the game.

    Anyway I just thought I'd bring this to light.  Of course in the end maybe it doesn't matter much.... but having bad morale isn't something I want on the team either.




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    11 hours ago, Abdullah Patel said:

    Please can we get a save game from before one of the meetings?


    I apologize, I guess I need to start making multiple saves but I just last night deleted my save on that game due to all the issues of the club being sold and new management cutting jobs and the budget and general player morale even though we continued to win. 

    I decided to try a different team.  Things weren't well with Wrexham. 

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    No bother, appreciate you letting us know, a save file if it happens again would be ideal!

    Just to check, did you mean 'weren't well', or was that a typo? Unsure if you meant 'went well' :D 

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    7 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    No bother, appreciate you letting us know, a save file if it happens again would be ideal!

    Just to check, did you mean 'weren't well', or was that a typo? Unsure if you meant 'went well' :D 

    Ha, not a typo.

    The club was sold toward the end of my 2nd season despite winning the National League by 20 points my first season and leading (and eventually) winning League Two the next season when it was sold.  This goes against everything that RR McReynolds has publicly said... but that's real life, I suppose.  But still makes no sense, since at that time they would have only owned the club a few years AND we were winning... so it struck me as very odd and not very realistic.

    On top of that when the new owner came in... despite us winning 2 seasons in a row and being in League One.... he slashed the budget instead of increasing it.  And he started cutting jobs.  3 the first year and 2 more the next season.

    In the middle of my 3 season and despite being solidly in the middle of League One and nowhere near relegation the board of directors sold our best youth player who was an absolute stud because he said the 1.7 million transfer fee was too good to pass up, even though I had been passing up offer after offer after offer after offer after offer for over a year for this kid.  He just sold him, which really set me off.

    And then he cut 2 more jobs.

    We still ended up mid-table in League One that year.

    The next season they gave me a 2-year extension but the whole 5-year plan was try to stay in League One.  There wasn't even talk about trying to get to the Championship or above.  There was a very small increase in the budget but that was it.  And then he cut 3 more jobs, said we didn't need a technical director, cut another scout job to take me down to just 2 and cut a coach as well.

    Take all of that with the players never seeming to be happy with my "optimism" about wanting to win and constantly being upset about suggesting we could avoid relegation despite the fact we did just that for 3 straight years... including back-to-back seasons of promotion........

    and my only judgement is that things weren't well with Wrexham.

    So I deleted that save.


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    • Administrators

    All understood, appreciate the level of detail you've went into - it's something we're going to keep an eye out for in our internal playthroughs just in case we don't get any further forum examples!

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