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  • Promise broken: Player unhappy he wasn't sold

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    Description of issue

    So not sure if bug but this should not have occurred, or at worst he is unhappy but not because promise wasn't kept but because no one came in for him.

    That isn't the manager's problem.

    The promise was to sell him IF a club matched the asking price, there was never any promise of looking for a buyer in the original conversation.



    • Steps To Reproduce:
      Load the game and the next tick will be past the transfer deadline.

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    From what I can see the reaction seems justified. 

    You did keep to your end of the bargain, but just because a bid didn't come in doesn't mean he all of a sudden becomes happy and enjoys his time at the club again. Time may be the best healer on this one if you intend on keeping him around I'm afraid. 

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    Ah but I made that point though.

    Perhaps it's just arguing semantics but they do matter.

    Not saying he shouldn't be unhappy but saying that his statement that I BROKE a promise is wrong.

    But the issue with this is does the game engine see a broken promise and just being unhappy that he wasn't sold for the price promised, as the same thing?

    Again not saying he shouldn't be unhappy but it should be:

    "X unhappy that no club came in for him at the listed price"

    and not

    "X is unhappy you broke a promise to him for not going out of your way to find a club for him."

    Which appears worse, and in the game engine, may confer a greater penalty to morale AND trust?

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