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  • Unhappy with playing time

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Resolved

    Description of issue

    Several players unhappy with playing time, even though they are playing nearly every game. Players including players for first XI, squad players etc. 


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    7 hours ago, Abdullah Patel said:

    Please can we get a save game and some examples of this occurring?


    Has this issue been logged yet? I'd be surprised if it isn't as I feel it's a widely held complaint in this year's FM

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    We have many different scenarios of player's being upset over playing time, but each example can depend on a variety of factors. 

    We need to see the save file to cross check it with our latest code and determine whether it's fixed or a new issue. :)

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    That is getting more and more a problem for me too. Regular starters starting 10/11 matches in prem.league, all CL matches, etc. are always concerned. Either they'll swarm me eventually or so much for the development and playtime for any youngster.

    Good news is I've provided a save game : cfc.fmf

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    @Blue Down UnderAre you playing on a save that started after the release date, or during the Beta phase? 

    Just had it confirmed to me that it was a known issue during the Beta build, and unfortunately the only solution is to start a new one on the release build. If your save is in fact from the release date onwards, could you please upload it so we can have a look.


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    I notice this a lot, I'm in league one where of course there are 46 games + cups, and I want them to play intense styles, so rotation is necessary. I make sure not to try not to overpromise playing time to permanent players, if I did that would be on me. Also creating a squad that can compete with everyone on "squad player" or less is more or less impossible, so you get punished for operating a rotation system and not having undroppable players, when I feel realistically, they would be understanding of the benefits of being kept fitter and being protected more considering our demanding style of football. 

    The main problem usually arises with "regular starters", who, as the label suggests, I am regularly starting. When they are fitter than the alternative, they start...which is regularly. Regular starters seem to unreasonably expect to be important players, I am 99% sure that is where the issue is arising. They also all seem to come at similar points in the season, so I'll get bombarded with 3 or 4 of these in the same fortnight.

    Oh, and the player interactions for this give no option to say anything about keeping the player fresh and needing to rotate, it's all just stuff that makes them angry. That's a big problem, and something I've just been using the edit button for since I won't have my save/immersion killed by some completely wooden conversation coding.

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    My fourth example of this today. His playing time? You guessed it, regular starter. Not really playing time worthy of "fury" is it? I've had this player since the start of my save and we've built up a great working relationship over that time and he addresses me like this? And then when you consider the matches he's not selected for are all because he was exhausted from the last one (or it's a minor cup game and I'm saving him for a league tie; game importance doesn't seem to be a factor). Needlessly hostile pest interactions with no nuance and no good options just feel lazily coded and make me want to stop playing my save. Hopefully you've seen enough now to be able to make it stop!!

    In my opinion, these sorts of complaints should be limited to: A) important players or star players in agreed playing time, and B) people with abnormal player personalities. Anything else vaguer than that really sucks because that could just apply to 80% of your squad and it's just unplayable.  And players who say they have great respect for you should act as such and not like spoilt new signings.

    Edited by properdisco
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    Basically everyone has this on their profiles at all times no matter what and everything is just a ticking timebomb of bad morale and uncommitted performances if you don't want to use the edit button (I'd really rather avoid it but it just feels too buggy and undeveloped not to, if a league season takes me a couple of weeks of playtime I don't want to be set off course and miss my targets because something that shouldn't really be happening). There is no way to balance it out or plan against it unless you want to build a team entirely full of "breakthrough prospects", which wouldn't even make sense.


    Edited by properdisco
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