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  • £15 Million in transfer budget available and yet club have sold training facilities to generate funds

    Hidden Nemesis
    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    Shenzen FC in China. I had £15M in transfer budget available but the board sold my training facilities to generate funds, the following season it happened again and they sold my youth facilities. Why will the game not allow the money to come out of my transfer budget. I have bought players with installments on them and it looks like this is not coming out of my transfer budget and so the club is just selling assets but allowing me to keep signing players. There should be an option to move some of the transfer budget back to the club if the financial status is not okay. 


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    在 2022/4/22 在 PM11点53分, Kyle Brown说:

    We'll take a look in the meantime, thank you. :)

    If it happens again please do try and nab a save prior to it occurring.

    In hindsight AI did something we didn't set but with good realism:

    This particular club has potential financial risk(loads of overspent contracts), but in order to keep some competitiveness(by the time of FM22), they still need to ration fund for transfer activity. Then when the balance is running dangerously low, selling the asset(which is assigned by local council to clubs) is a possible solution(though in reality it's the right of management that can be "sold": transferred for a fee, that another party run the facilities for revenue, club then moves away, stays there with a new agreement(rent or nominal fee), or build elsewhere.

    But i do agree that selling asset against gamer's will(when they rather have sacrificed transfer budget)is worth considering for future as optional.

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