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  • Away game travel

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    Every single year this sends me mad, away teams travel often the day before the game this is correct but then you have them staying overnight at teams not that far away from them and travelling home the next day even for afternoon kick offs, this is unrealistic and ruins immersion in the game and ive seen it brought up by myself and others every year when the game is released


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    • Administrators

    We're aware that travel times and how they work in game could be improved to be more realistic. It's something that would require a large amount of work and would require a number of new calculations and elements to be in game, so would be considered more of a feature than a bug. 

    Saying that, we appreciate you taking the time to raise it here and as said, it is something we're aware of. Thanks. 

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