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  • Fixtures suddenly only Wednesday and Saturday

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    Ive searched the forum so firstly apologies if this is already answered somewhere hidden but im stumped.

    3 years into my journey man save with loads of leagues, players etc loaded. standard league (no extended database etc from unofficial means) and everything has been fine.

    A friend asked me to start a network game with him and wanted me (as host) to set it to all matches on saturday and wednesday only. Fine, no issues.

    Once done and he logged off, I loaded up my long term single player save again which was in early june 2023. Continue a few times and I get to the fixture announcing date and suddenly in my single player save all fixtures in all leagues and divisions are wednesday and saturday and I cannot arrange friendly games on any day except sat and wed. Dead confused why starting a network save has caused my single player save to do this? Bit gutted though as even though it isn't game breaking its annoying from a realism pov.

    Has anyone encountered this?


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    • Administrators

    Would you be able to provide a save game for us to investigate from, please?

    Ideally one before the fixtures were set if that's possible.


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    Thank you for the reply.

    I've done some testing and as odd as it sounds it certainly seems linked to creating a network game with the setting of Wed & Sat games only being set.

    I intentionally started a new test network game WITHOUT sat and wed games being forced and saved it so it was newer than the previous one that I believe caused the issues.

    I then started a new test save for single player and the issue was now fixed.

    I further tested my main single player save where I first noticed the error by using a back up of that save and continuing to the fixture release point and again the issue is resolved.

    I have followed your advice to upload my saves. For context;

    "Barnet - Bolton end of season1a broken.fm" is the save I was using when the fixtures got released and were only on sat and wed in all leagues I checked.

    "Barnet - Bolton end of season1a.fm" was the back up I used from before the error that now generates fixtures correctly.

    I've also uploaded the network save file just in case its of use "Matthew Johnson - Norwich network.fm". I had never tried to do a network save with friends before yesterday but hopefully it was just a random glitch, maybe even through my own error that caused it by accident. Thankfully it appears my single player save is safe thanks to the back up I made only a few game days earlier.

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    • Administrators

    Yeah this is an issue we were made aware of in a previous update - should be fixed now for new saves as you've seen and shouldn't affect older saves any more. Apologies you encountered this and very much appreciate you taking the time to raise it here. 

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