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  • 'Increase duration of processing breaks for fewer stops in play' option not working as intended?

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    In settings ticking option 'Increase duration of processing breaks for fewer stops in play' from my perspective doesn't change anything at all in my game speed processing perception.

    Topic was brought here from earlier submission.

    The issue is mostly visible in preseason break when there is literally nothing going on in the club yet processing stops almost every day or sometimes few times a day (in-game day). This results in very slow progression and is ruining experience for long term saves.

    I've recorded and uploaded to your cloud short video made from the save I've also uploaded to you. You can clearly see that there is literally nothing requiring user's attention - no messages, no transfers, no contracts, no fixtures, nothing.

    Yet in a span of 5 days and 7 hours (in-game time) until first message that requires player's decision game stops 8 times (sic!). I know it's very short time span but it's just an example of how ridiculously often the game stops when, from my perspective, it should just breeze though all those days without stopping once. If you'll process further into december/january you'll probably get similar behaviour since I had this that way in previous seasons breaks.


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    4 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    Could I ask that you also provide your dxdiag file, so we can take a look at your computer specs too. :)


    Uploaded to the could as ' Orion_20220615_DxDiag.txt '.

    As mentioned in the topic it turned out that unticking 'Visit News Screen Automatically' reduced number of game pauses. I have to admit that I'm a person that looks for many option before making submission but I never ever hear of this option before.

    Maybe you can make a change like for example, when user ticks "increase duration of processing...' it overrides or just untick automatically this 'Visit News...' option on default.

    As said I did not make a major check if this 'Visit news...' option but on a period of like 1 week number of pauses was reduced significantly, from said 8 pauses to 2 where one was training schedules reminder - but this is also really bad to be honest because it stopped the game while literally whole team was on holiday so there was no training regimes - and the second pause came with end of season screen so I didn't proceed further to not override save file.

    Edited by Orion_
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