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  • Is this normal?

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    Hey I just have a question.

    In my Save I started train Ghana. Got second in the Afrika Nations Cup and second in the World Cup, got them to place 6 in the World Ranking only lost 4 matches in 3 years and they kick me out because I lost in the Semi-Final in Afrika Nations Cup. Is that normal? I mean when someone would bring Ghana IRL to this achievements he would be a hero forever in Ghana. Isn't possible to make such release decision more reallife like? Because I had fun and now its a big waste of time and only because I lost 1 game? The **** about that is that I train a Team in Brazil and I couldn't nominate my Ghana squad for the Afrika Nations Cup by myself because I had a game with my Team at that day at 11:00 the nominees is 12:00. I started the game and after the Game the AI automatically nominated my Ghana Squad. Im really pissed and think this needs to get better. I don't have a save before so I cant upload something.


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    • Administrators

    Do you have a save file prior to being sacked? 

    We definitely wouldn't consider this normal from what you've said so would like to take a closer look. :) 



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    • Administrators

    Ahh I'm really sorry - I missed that comment. 

    I'll pass it over to our internal testing teams anyway to have a look and see if they can get something similar to reproduce, I can only apologise that it's ruined your save - obviously wasn't intentional but we'll do all we can to prevent it in future. 

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    Hey I think I discovered another Bug in this Save. Ghana sacked their new coach and I sent a application for the coach position. After 4 Months they still don't have a new coach.

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    • Administrators

    Again we'd be more than happy to investigate this but we'd need a save file to review it properly - do you have one for this issue?

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