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  • Youth intake day never happened.

    Dark Mata
    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Resolved

    Description of issue

    In my save in December 2025 I got the usual youth intake preview just like normal, however by the end of the season I realised that I hadn't had the youth intake so I went to the development centre and it still showed the intake preview saying that I should get the intake in March, it was May by this point. From what I can tell no team on the game had an intake. I left for a new club in and when I joined I still had the preview from the new club's previous season, however by December I got a new preview and the intake worked the following March so it seems to be a one off problem.

    I have uploaded 2 files to the OwnCloud, one being from the season before(Curtis Ball - Unemployed3.fm) to see if you can recreate it and one being from end of the season when the issue occurred(Curtis Ball - Unemployed3_2.fm).


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    • SI Staff

    Hi @Dark Mata, thanks for raising this. Do you happen to have any other earlier saves by any chance? Potentially from before your intake in the 2025 season?

    Not sure what's happened here - we haven't has any other reports of this but I'm glad it's resolved in the following season. 

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    53 minutes ago, Andrew James said:

    Hi @Dark Mata, thanks for raising this. Do you happen to have any other earlier saves by any chance? Potentially from before your intake in the 2025 season?

    Not sure what's happened here - we haven't has any other reports of this but I'm glad it's resolved in the following season. 

    The only other saves I have from before the intake would be from the end of earlier seasons, I don't know if these would be useful but if you want them I can upload them.

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    • SI Staff

    Thanks @Dark Mata

    In that case if you could upload the save from the end of your season in 2024 that would be great thanks.

    This seems like a very rare issue but one we definitely want to get to the bottom of! 

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    12 minutes ago, Andrew James said:

    Thanks @Dark Mata

    In that case if you could upload the save from the end of your season in 2024 that would be great thanks.

    This seems like a very rare issue but one we definitely want to get to the bottom of! 

    Ok I uploaded the older save and I thought I'd upload the end of the season after the bug just in case you find it useful, so just to clarify I've now uploaded these files:

    Curtis Ball - Unemployed2_2.fm (end of the 2023/24 season)

    Curtis Ball - Unemployed3.fm (end of the 2024/25 season)

    Curtis Ball - Unemployed3_2.fm (end of the 2025/26 season, this is the save file at the end of the season with no intake)

    Curtis Ball - Unemployed4.fm (end of the 2026/27 season)


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