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  • Black screen/stuck when trying to join my friend's game

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    Description of issue


    I'm no longer able to join my friend's game. It was working fine a couple of weeks ago and has been working fine forever.

    I'm able to find my friend's server and then I double-click and then click Join game, it says Loading game database (I can see the bar progressing until the end)... and then nothing. I only get a black screen which lasts forever and I'm not able to do anything. Please see 2nd image attached. 

    This is weird because I'm able to join other online games (see 1st image attached). However, the weirdest is that I also have the same issue with a few online games (I tried a dozen to see if it was working and 2-3 other online games were not working as I had the same black screen).

    I want to add that he's able join my FM save but not me.

    We tried different things (remove cache / verify game files integrity / restart steam / choose same downloading area) but nothing works !

    Any idea would be appreciated ! Please help !! Thank you in advance

    network game working.PNG

    network game.PNG


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    Apologies I missed this post Alainalex  - I've gotten some feedback from the team now: 

    There was no downtime across the servers so it's more likely to be a local issue. 

    Can you firstly change your online preferences to 'allow anyone to join' and see if that makes a difference.

    The logs show you hadn't actually joined an online game, just opened and closed - is that correct? Could you double check your firewall restrictions and ensure nothing is blocking it that way, and that your machine is fully updated with anything it's recommending. Likewise with Steam. :)


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    @Kyle Brown : Thank you ! Please find below my answers.


    19 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    Can you firstly change your online preferences to 'allow anyone to join' and see if that makes a difference.

    We already tried that and it doesn't work.

    19 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    The logs show you hadn't actually joined an online game, just opened and closed - is that correct?

    Yes, I just joined their online game to see if it was working (like in the above picture with someone coaching Bournemouth). As I said, the weirdest is that I also have the same issue of not being able to join with a few other online games (I tried a dozen to see if it was working and 2-3 other online games were not working as I had the same black screen).

    19 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    Could you double check your firewall restrictions and ensure nothing is blocking it that way, and that your machine is fully updated with anything it's recommending. Likewise with Steam. :)

    We have checked firewall as well - see picture below (sorry my Windows is in French) where you can see that Fm22 is in the authorized application list of my Windows Defender firewall. Same for Steam (not in the printscreen). We checked that for my friend's PC as well.

    On both my friend's PC and my PC : Windows update is done  / Steam is up-to-date / clear cache in Steam


    Can you plz recommend something else ? 

    Let me know if you need me to update another log or DxDiag, etc.

    Thanks !


    Edited by alainalex09
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    Could you provide us with your save file please so we can hand it over to the Dev team to take a look?

    With the logs not telling us much we need to try explore a different avenue. 


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    @Kyle Brown : I've now uploaded the save file to the SI Cloud Service. The file name is US Trefle.

    The weirdest is that when I load the save on my PC, my friend is able to join.  But I'm unable to do it when he loads it on his PC.

    Please let me know if you need anything else.

    Thank you

    Edited by alainalex09
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    We've been testing this on our end and while it does take a while in some instances, we have been able to connect after around 45-90 seconds. I appreciate you may have tried already, but do please wait a bit when connecting and see if it eventually works. 

    Could you also try making a new lobby with no database changes, as we believe the 60k you currently have may be the root cause of the blank screen.

    And lastly, if that all fails, could you provide us with your DxDiag file please. :)


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    5 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    We've been testing this on our end and while it does take a while in some instances, we have been able to connect after around 45-90 seconds. I appreciate you may have tried already, but do please wait a bit when connecting and see if it eventually works. 

    I have wait for more than 3 minutes. Nothing happens... same black screen. 

    5 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    we believe the 60k you currently have may be the root cause of the blank screen.

    What do you mean with the 60k you are referring to ?  What is it ?

    5 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    And lastly, if that all fails, could you provide us with your DxDiag file please. :)


    Please see DxDiag attached, as per the procedure in your answer.


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    Really sorry you haven't had a response, seems I missed this.

    The database you were using had 60k changes within it, could I ask that you set up a default db and compare like for like - does the issue still persist? 

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