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  • New Stadium Request has Disappeared

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Need More Info

    Description of issue

    Playing as Liverpool my stadium expansion got turned down due to planning permission at this point I went to the board and asked for a new stadium, I also responded to the rejected expansion in the news item itself and this triggered another expansion of the stadium.


    at this point I had two things going on, they had agreed to a stadium expansion which was shown as a future event and they had also agreed to a new stadium but nothing showed anywhere about this.


    The 2nd stadium expansion was again rejected for planning permission and nothing happened with the new stadium they agreed.

    Requesting a new stadium is now not an option.


    I think asking for the new stadium via the board and then going back to the new item about the expansion and requesting an expansion from their has broken things.


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    • SI Staff

    Thanks for the feedback. 

    Sounds like a specific set of circumstances is causing this issue which we will try and reproduce internally. If you happen to have a save game from before the request could you please upload the save game to our cloud service. Details on how to upload can be found via the link below.



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    Hi I dont have a save from before this but there has been a development.


    The request new stadium option now reappears from time to time BUT when I request a new stadium I dont get a response at all from the board.  Following the first request for the new stadium which was granted but not built, I have now requested a new stadium multiple times, each time I have not had a response to the request.



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    • Administrators

    With that further development, could you provide a save file that will show that new issue? It may help us get to the bottom of things. :) 

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    If this is at all helpful (as this seems to suggest that at least some of the code between years is the same) this exact issue (where the board simply stopped responding to the request) happened in last year's version of the game as well.

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