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  • Contract Negotiations

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    Unrealistic contract negotiation. Current club is Arsenal. Have 570k spare in wage budget. Trying to sign Mbappe for free he wants 325k plus other benefits. Unable to offer more than 250k p/w have maxed out ALL the benefits and clauses which would far exceed his request. It then keeps the maxed out benefits and clauses and then requests 350k p/w. Scouts say sign at whatever the cost? If you have the capacity in your wage budget you shouldn't be restricted. FYI can offer 300k to Leno who is a back up goal keeper. 



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    • SI Staff

    If you have a save game which shows you being limited in the contract wage you can offer despite having a large spare budget would you be able to upload your save game to our cloud service. Details on how to upload can be found via the link below. 



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