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  • Every player is valued £0

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    Description of issue

    Every single player in the game is valued £0...I've reloaded numerous times....started from scratch numerous times...I'm using the FLUT BETA SKIN but have tried with the standard skin many times also...



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    nope...tried that and no luck.

    tried starting closing the game, reopening and then starting a new game from fresh and still no luck.

    £0 value for eeeeeveryone


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    I read someone elses comment and removed ALL custom graphics and skins and went back to vanilla and it worked...not a permanent fix as I want my graphics, but at least it is playable now...


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    I tried deleting custom skin and reverted back to the basic skin and the £0 values are still showing. Surely it's a bug that SI must know about. I've seen on other forums that a lot of players are having the same issues. 

    Hopefully whoever creates the custom skins can fix it from their end. 

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    5 hours ago, sjb333 said:

    nope...tried that and no luck.

    tried starting closing the game, reopening and then starting a new game from fresh and still no luck.

    £0 value for eeeeeveryone


    TBF after Sunday's performance against Liverpool then £0 values would be appropriate for a lot of those players haha!

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    Same issue here. I'm using a custom skin, but honestly I'd rather not see player values than go back to the default. Hope this is cleared up with the full release. Great game though!

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    So I thought... "let's try putting the custom graphics folder I have from years of fm'ing" back into the FM22 folder and see if it corrects itself.

    I also reloaded the custom skin (FLUT BETA VERSION) and reopened the game.

    aaaaand.....the values went straight back to £0.

    I managed to get the values back by doing the 3 steps.

    1) Dragging any and all custom graphics and logos etc onto my desktop (or just out of the FM22 folder) - to do this I had to close the game though as the files were in use.

    ***NOTE*** I reopened the game after this and the values were still £0....

    2) change the skin back to the vanilla skin.

    3) clear the cache and reload the skin (didn't need to restart the game).

    and voila! it worked again....


    I can then re-add my custom graphics and reload the custom skin and the values are STILL WORKING. The problem is when I close and reopen the game the values then go back to £0 and I have to do the above steps all over again.


    Not sure if this will work for everyone, or anyone else but it seems to be my work around, there's definitely a bug somewhere which needs attention, for me, it just doesn't feel the same without my custom graphics, so this will have to do for a few weeks :D


    Good Luck All!!

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