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  • Player Search: I cant find a filter to show the estimated ability stars of non fully scouted players

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    Same problem as last year, but none seems to look into this. 

    in Player Search: I cant find a filter to show the estimated ability stars of non-fully scouted players. When I select to show the ability, then the ability stars are shown only for players that are 100% scouted.  


    However, when I click on one player who is not 100% scouted, e.g, Jazz Wallace, who is 95% known, then I can see the stars in his profile (below picture). I can see all his attributes, and generally speaking, my scouters know this player. Why cant I have an estimate of his ability on the main list?



    The problem is that I cant search for players with around the right ability to join my team, unless I have fully scouted them.

    For example, in FM17, there was the option to add Assistants opinion of players ability. So at least you knew, with some uncertainty of course, what was roughly the level of a player.

    In FM21 and FM22, neither option works. Neither the scouters opinion ability nor the assistants opinion ability give any stars, unless the player is 100% scouted.

    Are you going to address this this year? 50E last year, another 50E this year and still bugs like this. Things that worked in the past.


    Another stupid thing is: after a long 4 week player trial, I can see all his attributes and I know his ability and potential. The day the player leaves the club, half of the attributes are hidden and i cant filter him on player search. I dont think I currently employ so dump stupid scouters who forget the players ability the day he leaves the club. 





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    • SI Staff

    This is an intended design choice as we feel an assistant manager shouldn't be able to provide an estimate for every player and so we don't consider this to be a bug.

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    I know this is not a bug. but the rest i mentioned in my post are. the fact that you cant see on the main list what you can see in the profile is.

    btw, if your scouting team provides you with a list of partially scouted players, they should somehow provide info of what approx. level the players have. and this is missing from your game. 

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