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  • Transfers too fast

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Need More Info

    Description of issue

    It happened once that a team offered me a player, in this case Martial, i prepare my offer, they accept it, but then the next day this player will be sold to another team, without even the possibility to offer him a contract. 
    I think it's a bug, hope you understand what i mean. 

    For example:
    10M for Martial. 
    Offer accepted. 
    Press continue to go to next day to offer contract, then next day Martial was already sold to other team.

    It happened also with another player. 


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    • SI Staff

    Thanks for the information. 

    If you have a save game which shows this issue could you please upload the save game to our cloud service. Details on how to can be found below. 


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