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  • Squad selection - outside of, and also matchday

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    I've noticed a few issues with squads and tactics that are annoying to say the least.

    First is an issue that when you go to your squad page (on a matchday) and start picking players from your squad list, they aren't remembered if you click on a few other screens and then go back to your squad page. 

    Also, if you are on the team selection page (on matchday), start selecting players etc, then go to your splash page, or squad page, the selected players aren't there. You sometimes on match day want to use other pages than just the matchday selection one - but then you lose what you've picked or altered so far. 

    Thirdly - when trying to use a 'saved selection' sometimes players don't show up on the tactics overview - as in don't appear to be playing. Then get a message saying 11 players haven't been picked, even though I've gone to manage selection and loaded my saved squad selection - all players are available, not all show on tactics overview - and then cannot kick off. Have to clear all team and repick from 1-11 myself.

    I've noticed picking players, and saving them, is very buggy - be it doing through matchday or not.

    Lastly - good job we have Beta hey; I lose all tactical familiarity when I save a tactic, use it a while, then play one game with a different tactic. I load the old, saved tactic (used for 15 games or so) and because I used one other tactic once, I am back to zero familiarity with the saved tactic I have always used. 


    Oh, not lastly; I've also noticed when trying to assign a tactical role or duty to a picked player on tactics, I've seen occasions of a yellow highlighted box (instead of the pink one), with yellow stars (rating) behind it. makes it impossible to see a players rating for certain roles / traits i.e. deep lying playmaker, support. 


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    • Administrators

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. UI is our busiest sub-forum, so we can't always respond to issues as quick as we'd like.

    Could you confirm whether this is still an issue that's present after the latest update?

    If so, we'll get it moved across to our main forums, and have the UI team look at it as quick as they can. 

    Thank you again for taking the time to flag this.  

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