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  • Division 1 promotion playoff

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    IRL there is no promotion playoff quarter final or semi final.

    Team which finishes 2nd in the Div 1 promotion group plays 2 leg match against league relegation group's 5th. The winner plays in the league next season and the loser in the first division.


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    Finnish FA's web site


    "After the upper group stage has finished, the winner goes directly to Veikkausliiga (Finnish league) for the season 2022. Second placed team goes to the league qualifying"

    Because of covid, they didn't play group stages, but second placed team of the regular season went to the league qualifying against 11th placed team of Veikkausliiga.

    No such thing as promotion quarter final or semi final. I don't know if the FA has planned such matches (it's possible because they are a bunch of i....s, what comes to the Finnish league system), but there isn't any info about it and such matches haven't been played ever.


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    Promotion playoff should not be removed from 2022 season. It is included (https://www.palloliitto.fi/jalkapallouutiset/nain-miesten-ykkonen-pelataan-kaudella-2022)

    "Sijoille 3. ja 4. sijoittuneet joukkueet pelaavat ensin yksiosaisen karsintaottelun, 3. sijoittuneen kotikentällä. Voittaja etenee karsinnan toiseen vaiheeseen. Mikäli ottelu on varsinaisen otteluajan jälkeen tasan, pelataan jatko-ottelu. Voittaja on jatko-ottelussa enemmän maaleja tehnyt joukkue. Jos kumpikaan joukkue ei tee maaleja jatko-ottelussa, niin suoritetaan rangaistuspotkukilpailu."

    The teams ranked 3rd and 4th will first play a one-piece qualifying match, the 3rd placed on the home field. The winner will advance to the second stage of the qualifier. If the match is a draw after the actual match time, a follow-up match will be played. The winner is the team that scored more goals in the playoffs. If neither team scores in a playoff match, a penalty shootout will be played.


    "Karsinnan toisessa vaiheessa, Ylemmän jatkosarjan 2. sijoittunut pelaa yksiosaisen karsintaottelun ensimmäisen karsintaottelun (3. vs 4.) voittajaa vastaan, 2. sijoittuneen kotikentällä. Voittaja etenee Veikkausliigan kaksiosaiseen nousukarsintaan. Mikäli ottelu on varsinaisen otteluajan jälkeen tasan, pelataan jatko-ottelu. Voittaja on jatko-ottelussa enemmän maaleja tehnyt joukkue. Jos kumpikaan joukkue ei tee maaleja jatko-ottelussa, niin suoritetaan rangaistuspotkukilpailu."


    In the second round of the qualifier, the 2nd place finisher in the Upper Division will play against the winner of the first qualifier (3rd vs. 4th) of the one-piece qualifier, on the home field of the 2nd place finisher. The winner will advance to the Veikkausliiga two-part promotion round. If the match is a draw after the actual match time, a follow-up match will be played. The winner is the team that scored more goals in the playoffs. If neither team scores in a playoff match, a penalty shootout will be played.


    Edited by Bashar
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