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  • maximum basic wage problem

    Cause = Time
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    Description of issue

    I'm not sure if this belongs here or in the transfer/contract section, but here goes:

    In my current save, the finance -> wages -> summary screen shows an "advised maximum basic wage" of £6.25k p/w for star player or important player.

    Lower playing times have a higher maximum basic wage. See the screenshot, or just read here: Max advised basic wage for regular starters is £11.5k p/w. For squad players, £11k p/w. Even for impact subs it's £11k p/w. This obviously makes no sense at all. How could the acceptable wage for an impact sub possibly be 75% higher than what's acceptable for a star player?

    When it comes to actually discussing terms, the game won't let me offer more than £6.25k p/w to anybody, regardless of which playing time level I pick. The only exceptions are players already in my squad who already earn more than that (for those, I can go up to their current wage - still not to the numbers shown on the finance screen). 

    For the record, this is in the Czech Republic and the club has only been in the top division for the last 6 or 7 years, so a £6.25k p/w limit for our best players doesn't seem totally out of line if taken on its own. But our current total weekly wage budget is £231k, or approximately 36 times £6.25k. OK, I know bonuses go on top of the basic wage so that doesn't mean I could get 36 players on max wage, but it's clearly enough for an unreasonably large number of max wage players. And there must be something wrong when lower levels have (drastically) higher limits than star players.

    Finances are "secure" on info screen, approx £28M current balance and while that's partially down to some big sales last season, it's stable month-to-month. The £11k p/w level for regular starters would be about in line with the other teams we've been consistently competing with at the top of the table for several years now. I don't have any major transfers or contract offers pre-arranged or awaiting confirmation, and we currently only have £87k p/w committed from that £231k p/w budget.

    I've tried moving the budget slider around to alter the wage/transfer balance, but it doesn't help anything. While the numbers go up and down appropriately, the relative numbers stay essentially the same, i.e. regular starter/squad player/impact sub levels still get significantly higher max wage than star player or important player.

    This is causing me real trouble, I have a "regular starter" whose contract is up next season who's happy to renew, but who wants a wage increase to 7.5k p/w. I also have targets who are "very interested" in joining me and want wages within that gap between £6.25k and £11k p/w - i.e. the budget screen says I can give them what they want, but the contract discussion page disagrees.


    • Steps To Reproduce:
      load the save, view wage summary screen.
      try to offer contract to any player as regular starter/squad player/impact sub and see the maximum wage shown for that category on finance screen isn't actually possible to offer (capped at 6.25k, or at their current wage if they're already at the club and earning more than 6.25k)

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    This temporarily resolved itself during the course of the season, and for a while I had a perfectly reasonable looking wage structure (and managed to renew that regular starter's contract, yay). Before the end of the season, it went back to more or less the same thing (slightly different values, but the same pattern of star/important player having lower wage limits than regular/squad/impact sub).

    As I wasn't checking the page super regularly, I couldn't identify exactly when the changes happened. I certainly couldn't spot any obvious trigger for why the finances would have been reevaluated. 

    I've now reached the end of the season, and after the new budget is announced it's very weird again. Star/important players are at least able to be given higher wages than squad players/impact subs this time, but 'regular starter' is still the playing time with the highest allowed wage (£10.25k, where star/important players can only get up to £8k).

    I figured it might be helpful to have a save game from the point the budget is decided, so I'm uploading another save to the cloud now (filename is "cause_time wage bug.fm"). This save is immediately before the new budget - just confirm the club vision/end of season meeting, hit continue once, and it should update in the next game tick.

    Edited by Cause = Time
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    OK, and now having continued literally just a handful of days further, that 8k/8k/10.25k wage structure for the highest few playing time levels has now become 4.9k/4.9k/3.2k. At least they're in the right order, I suppose, but that's with the budget adjusted for a total wage budget of £250k p/w! A star player can't even take up 2% of the total wage budget! This club's accountant is clearly unfit for the job.

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